And uniforms. Light artillery. Small arms. Field
communications equipment. Special forces training.
Political legitimacy. Jamie Shea. A private air force
at their disposal. Favorable coverage in all the
Western media. A lobster and white wine dinner with
Jamie Rubin and Christianne Amanpour. An entire
Serbian province as their base of operations. Bianca
Jagger's loud mouth. A Right of Return arts festival
organized by Vanessa Redgrave replete with the
ubiquitous Sting. Joseph Lieberman's personal
endorsement. A private suite at the Democratic
National Convention in Los Angeles....And it's
positively amazing what a ragtag group of cutthroat
narco-traffickers can accomplish. Never underestimate
men on a mission.

Wednesday May 30, 9:02 PM
Albanian guerrillas vow to continue fight in north
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, May 30 (AFP) - 
The ethnic Albanian National Liberation Army (NLA)
will continue to fight Macedonian forces and will not
take advantage of "guarantees" Skopje has offered
Albanians who leave the combat zone for neighbouring
Kosovo, an NLA commander said Wednesday.
Another NLA leader warned that the ethnic Albanian
guerillas were ready to launch an offensive and even
attack big cities.
"So far we have shown restraint, but from now we are
ready to launch an offensive and carry operations in
big cities, including (capital) Skopje," commander
Sokoli told AFP by phone from the region of the
northern Macedonian village of Lipkovo.
Among the possible targets was Skopje airport, Sokoli
Commander Hoxha, who said he was also talking from the
area of the NLA-occuped village of Lipkovo, told AFP
by telephone that "abandoning our positions is out of
the question. We control the situation and if
necessary can advance and occupy more territory." 
On Tuesday, Macedonia's interior minister offered
inhabitants of this Albanian guerrilla stronghold the
option of heading to Kosovo without undergoing
security checks.
A senior government official told AFP the offer added
up to allowing ethnic Albanian rebels based in Lipkovo
to benefit from a civilian exodus to flee the country.
In Pristina, a spokesman for the NATO-led peacekeeping
forces (KFOR), Roy Brown, told AFP that those ethnic
Albanian rebels who wanted to benefit from Macedonian
"guarantees" by leaving for Kosovo "will be detained
and questioned for a while."

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