International War & Peace Reporting
(Langley, Virginia by way of London, England)
May 31, 2001

"[Defense minister Kevkhishvili] admitted that many
soldiers had not been paid in 12-14 months," but, IWPR
hastens to add by way of negation of the obvious,
"these demands were nothing but a smokescreen for a
more sinister political agenda."
Similarly, "Recent reports in Itar Tass and Interfax
claimed that Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev had
recently met with Georgian establish
new channels for smuggling arms into Chechnya."
IWPR follows this up immediately with a quote from the
Georgian interior minister - who may have been present
at just such a meeting - dismissing the Russian claims
as "ravings."
No doubt the soldiers' "sinister political agenda" and
the Russian news agencies "rantings" are both
motivated by "sinister" opposition to NATO and its
incorporation of Georgia into its orbit, as well as
Georgia's curiously close relationship with Wahabbi
rebels in Chechnya.
Who can count the most negatively-charged words,
below, employed to discredit any critic of NATO's
loyal lapdog Eduard Shevardnadze?
A few free ones: Disaffected, mutineers, coup, putsch
and, of course, sinister.

Shevardnadze Quells Mutiny 
A protest staged by disaffected guardsmen on the eve
of Georgian Independence Day is followed by riots in
downtown Tbilisi

By Niko Dadiani in Tbilisi (CRS No. 84, 29-May-01)

Eduard Shevardnadze has pledged to improve conditions
in the Georgian army after 500 crack troops mutinied
and seized control of a key military base.

During a face-to-face meeting with the mutineers on
Saturday morning, the president also gave reassurances
that they would not be prosecuted for their action. 

But some leading politicians claim the protest over
pay and living conditions was in fact a smokescreen
for an attempted political coup.

A battalion of the National Guard, led by Colonel Koba
Otanadze, seized the base in Mukhrovani, 30km
north-east of Tbilisi, on the morning of May 24. 

Manned by a force of 1,000 conscripts, the base houses
an estimated 50 per cent of the Georgian military
arsenal including tanks, APCs and Shilka missiles.

National Guard officers were sent to negotiate with
the mutineers but were greeted by warning shots from
inside the compound.

The Georgian parliament promptly held a closed session
to discuss the crisis which security minister Vakhtang
Kutateladze described as an attempt to overthrow the

And parliamentary chairman Zurab Zhvania agreed that
the seizure of heavy weaponry by a force of armed men
could only be interpreted as a political coup. 

He told deputies that the guardsmen were putting
forward political demands and claimed the secret
services already had information that the mutineers
were being supported by "certain political forces".

Meanwhile, parliamentary vice-speaker Vakhtang
Rcheulishvili, spokesman for the parliamentary
minority, assured journalists that the opposition had
no intention of supporting a coup d'etat.

The putsch theory was reinforced when the Prime News
agency reported that the mutineers were attempting to
contact former Guards officers including Valery
Galdava and Temur Otiashvili -- both allies of the
ex-defence minister,Tengiz Kitovani.

According to Vakhtang Kutateladze, the mutiny had been
masterminded by Colonel Otanadze, a former member of
the security ministry collegiate who has links with
the one-time security minister, Shota Kviraya. 

However Irakly Batiashvili, a former head of the
intelligence service, who held preliminary talks with
the troops, reported that the move was, in fact, a
protest against the appalling conditions endemic in
the Georgian army.

Batiashvili said the troops were demanding
improvements in living conditions and payment of wages
which were more than a year in arrears. "The mutineers
do not intend to use force," he added.

The Georgian government is currently trying to
implement a reform programme aimed at demobilising
around 3,000 servicemen. However, according to deputy
defence minister Nugzar Kevkhishvili, the army is owed
around 17.5 million in backpay and cuts cannot be made
until the money is found. He admitted that many
soldiers had not been paid for 12-14 months.

However, security minister Vakhtang Kutateladze said
that these demands were nothing but a smokescreen for
a more sinister political agenda. He believes the
mutineers changed their tactics because they were left
in the lurch by their political backers. 

It then emerged that the mutineers were demanding a
meeting with President Shevardnadze.

According to Nugzar Sadzhaya, secretary of the
Security Council of Georgia, the president made his
decision to meet the guardsmen without consulting
council members. During the meeting, Shevardnadze
pledged that the mutineers would not be prosecuted for
their actions, explaining that the state had a moral
responsibility to address the problems.

He agreed to meet with the guardsmen again on Monday
together with the finance and economics ministers.

The Mukhrovani crisis was followed by further upheaval
in Tbilisi. On Saturday, the 10th anniversary of
Georgian independence, eight people were injured when
police clashed with 400 supporters of ousted president
Zviad Gamsakhurdia on Republic Square.

One injured officer told Prime News that the
protesters attacked police with sharpened sticks and
wooden crosses. The victims included Merab Bagaturia,
head of the anti-organised crime task force in

The Zviadists had previously staged a series of
protest meetings in Senaki, Western Georgia, to demand
the release of supporters of Colonel Akaky Eliava,
killed by police during a 1998 mutiny.

The latest developments have also coincided with fresh
accusations from Moscow that the Georgian government
is harbouring Chechen rebels.

Recent reports in Itar Tass and Interfax claimed that
Chechen warlord Shamil Basaev recently met with
Georgian officials in the resort of Likani, near
Borzhomi. The news agencies explained that Basaev's
mission was to establish new channels for smuggling
arms into Chechnya.

Interior minister Kakha Targamadze dismissed the
allegations as "ravings" and said any such talks were
"completely out of the question".

Some sources have also claimed that the National Guard
battalion was planning to decamp to the Pankisi Gorge,
where Chechen rebels are thought to be hiding -
rumours which have been dubbed "provocation" by the
mutineers themselves. They point out that Mukhrovani
is more than 100km from the gorge.

Niko Dadiani is an independent journalist based in

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