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Just as the Orwellian-titled Partnership for Peace
military alliance is an apprenticeship program for
NATO, so NATO membership is now the gateway to the
European Union.
Unless an impoverished, fragmented Eastern European
nation makes itself NATO-ready - depleting its state
coffers to purchase Western arms, purging its native
offficer corps, subordinating its armed forces'
command structure to Brussels - then it's not a
serious candidate for the EU.
This is blunt, brutal economic blackmail, much like
that aimed at Yugoslavia currently regarding the
extradition of Slobodan Milosevic and other leaders
who stood up to NATO.    

Premier Positive Slovakia Will Join NATO in 2002,
Ready to Join EU by 2004
Jun 1, 2001 -- (BBC Monitoring) Text of report in
English by Slovak commercial news agency SITA web
Krakow, 1 June: Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda said
he is convinced that the support of the Czech
Republic, Poland and Hungary will boost Slovakia's
chances of being invited to join NATO during its 2002
autumn summit in Prague.
Slovakia's geographic and political position makes us
a natural part of the Visegrad Group (V4), said
Dzurinda at the V4 summit in Krakow, Poland, on Friday
[1 June]. "NATO invitation and the following
membership would not only renew the integrity of the
Visegrad region and stabilize Slovakia, but also
stabilize the surrounding countries," Dzurinda said.
The V4 prime ministers are discussing in Krakow
current and future cooperation within European
integration and regional cooperation. The meeting
called for a preparation of a V4 future cross-border
cooperation principles that would be submitted to the
European Commission. The document's goal is to prevent
the limitation of the free movement of people, goods
and capital in the border regions after the
introduction of the EU seven-year transition period.
At a meeting with Polish, Czech, and Hungarian prime
ministers Jerzy Buzek, Milos Zeman, and Viktor Orban
[respectively], Mikulas Dzurinda repeated that 1
January 2004 is the target date of Slovakia's EU entry
Source: SITA news agency web site, Bratislava, in
English 1123 GMT 1 Jun 01
(C) 2001 BBC Monitoring

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