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Kosovo Liberation Army = Islamic Party of Turkestan
Greater Albania = Greater Turkestan 
The mythological Turkestan "is an area stretching from
China's western Xinjiang Province to the Caspian Sea."
Recently massive petroleum reserves have been
discovered in neighboring Kazakstan. The purpose of
the Aghanistan/Fergana Valley-based rebels, backed by
Pakistan which is backed by the West, is to serve as
private militias to protect oil routes (as in Nigeria
and Colombia, for example) and to destabilize
governents in the region.
The fact that International War & Peace Reporting,
U.S.-based Human Rights Watch, the International
Crisis Group and NATO among others are demonstrating
such keen interest in alleged human rights issues in
Uzbekistan is no coincidence: As in the Southern
Balkans, oil and military expansion are the
objectives, and defending the 'rights' of armed contra
groups is the means.
Let's work to stop this 'Kosovo' before it really gets
under way. 

June 2, 2001
Central Asia: Militants' Name-Change Signals Growing
By Bruce Pannier
What began two years ago in Uzbekistan as a group of
20 so-called "bandits" has since turned into a small
army of internationally recognized Islamic militants
who are now a major problem for much of Central Asia.
Recent reports say the armed force calling itself the
"Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan," or IMU, has changed
its name to the "Islamic Party of Turkestan" -- a
change indicating the group's aspirations have
expanded. RFE/RL correspondent Bruce Pannier reports. 
Prague, 1 June 2001 (RFE/RL) -- When some 20 armed
Uzbek men walked through the remote Pamir mountains
into the southern Kyrgyz village of Zardaly almost two
years ago (early August 1999), few would have
predicted that was the start of a major security
problem for much of Central Asia. 
Within just a month, the group had grown in number to
an estimated 1,000. Now their number is considered to
have reached several thousand. 
Central Asian authorities originally called them
"bandits," who were said to have been engendered by
the post-civil war chaos in Tajikistan. But the group
called itself the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, or
IMU, and said it was a mainly ethnic Uzbek
organization bent on ousting Uzbek President Islam
Karimov and overthrowing his government. 
Early last month, it became clear that the movement,
with no change in leadership, had changed its name to
the Islamic Party of Turkestan, or IPT. The change may
have reflected the movement's desire to be considered
a political group, but it also showed it has expanded
its aspirations. Turkestan is an area stretching from
China's western Xinjiang Province to the Caspian Sea.
Ahmed Rashid is a Pakistani journalist who regularly
follows developments in Central Asia. He tells RFE/RL
the change in the movement's name reflects a broader
perspective the group has recently adopted. On a visit
to the region a few months ago, Rashid said he saw
that it was obvious its leader, ethnic Uzbek Juma
Namangani, needed to change his strategy.
"The amount of recruitment that was taking place by
Juma Namangani amongst all the ethnic groups in
Central Asia, as well as the Uighur Muslims from
Xinjiang Province in China, [showed] that it was going
to be a very short time before Namangani expressed the
view of liberating the whole of Central Asia, rather
than just Uzbekistan. The fact is that amongst the IMU
there are Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uighurs, even some
Chechens and, of course, Uzbeks." 
Rashid believes that difficult social conditions
across Central Asia are the main reason people of very
different ethnic origins have joined Namangani's
movement -- although, he adds, some may truly be
fighting for the group's stated goal of establishing
an Islamic state in the region. But Rashid says the
overthrow of the Uzbek government remains a priority
for the movement.
"His [Namangani's] principle aim is still the Fergana
Valley [which runs through Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and
Tajikistan] and toppling [Uzbek President Islam]
Karimov because he is seeing a kind of domino effect.
If Karimov is toppled and parts of Fergana are
occupied by the Islamic movement then that will create
a domino effect in Central Asia, given that all the
other regimes are probably in a much weaker position
than Uzbekistan's regime."
IMU incursions into Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in the
past two summers did not militarily advance its goals,
but they did serve to remind the region's governments
that the movement is a force that can not be ignored.
Indeed, not only Central Asian governments are paying
attention to the IMU. Russia, the United States, and
China are among the countries to deliver military aid
and provide security advice to the Central Asian
governments concerned.
Russia, China, and -- to a lesser extent -- the United
States all see the IMU as part of a much wider network
of global terrorists. All accuse Afghanistan's Taliban
movement of aiding the IMU, at the very least by
providing safe bases for the movement. 
But Russia and China, together with most Central Asian
governments, also see the IMU as part of a network of
Islamic groups that receive training in Afghanistan.
They include fighters from Kashmir and Chechnya, and
Uighur separatists from Xinjiang Province. Alleged
international terrorist Osama bin Laden, now living in
Afghanistan, is reportedly helping all these groups.
By renaming itself the Islamic Party of Turkestan, the
Uzbek-led IMU in effect was announcing it also
includes Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, and Uighurs in its project
for a Central Asian Islamic state. In addition,
according to some regional analysts, by designating
itself as a "party" the group may hope to become a
political force and integrate into regional
governments in the way the United Tajik Opposition, or
UTO, did at the end of the Tajik civil war. 
After five years of fighting, the UTO and Tajik
government reached a peace agreement in June 1997 that
gave the former rebels a share in governing the
country. Many war-time UTO leaders still occupy
high-level positions in the Tajik government.
The Uzbek leadership of the IMU, now renamed IPT,
fought alongside the UTO during the Tajik civil war.
Namangani was in a unit under the command of Mirzo
Ziyoyev, now Tajikistan's minister for emergency
But analyst Rashid rejects the idea that the Tajik
model could work for the IPT.
"If he [Namangani] was interested in power-sharing, it
would have been much easier to have confined his
movement to Uzbekistan. Now that the movement has
taken a position against all the Central Asian
governments, it is very difficult to conceive of any
kind of power-sharing. Who are you asking for
power-sharing with? Which government are you asking
for power-sharing with?"
If Central Asian security services are correct in
their warnings, it will not be long before it becomes
clear how well Namangani has succeeded in uniting
different ethnic elements behind his cause. The
services predict that, as happened during the past two
summers, the movement's armed fighters will descend
from the mountains once the passes are clear of snow. 
(Akram Faisullo of the Uzbek Service contributed to
this report.)

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