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[Coming immediately on the heels of a report on the
Balkans heroin trade by Brian Whitmore (Boston Globe,
June 3, 2001) which details the role of ethnic
Albanian clans affiliated with the Kosovo Liberation
Army in refining opium from Afghanistan and Pakistan,
and in dominating the European heroin industry; and
even more immediately on a report in the Sydney
Morning Herald (June 4, 2001) on the comparable role
played by the same forces in all but monopolizing
Europe's sex slave trade - with proceeds going to
"former Kosovo Liberation Army strongmen currently
fighting in the Presevo Valley of Serbia and attacking
their Slav neighbours in Mecedonia" - it's curious to
say the least to hear NATO General Secretary George
Robertson intone:
"For NATO and those who want to see an end to the
illegal trade in drugs, humanity, guns and sex slaves
must invest in these [Central Asian] countries and
help them restructure their armies...."
Curious, that is, until we're reminded by Robertson
that "countries like Kazakstan, which has more oil
than all of the Gulf states put together, must be
Much as in Colombia, where massive petroleum reserves
have been discovered in the southern, that is
rebel-controlled, areas of the country, NATO nations
are striving to gain a military foothold in Central
Asia, through "restruct[ing] their armies," ostensibly
to combat the drug trade but in fact to secure access
to unparalleled oil supplies.]

The Herald (Glasgow) 
June 5, 2001

Nato chief warns Taliban drug lords
THE greatest threat to European stability comes from
the extreme fundamentalists who are exporting death
through drugs to the streets of Edinburgh and Glasgow,
according to Lord Robertson, Nato general secretary.

In an exclusive interview before President Bush's
first Nato summit with Tony Blair and the other heads
of state on June 13, Lord Robertson has outlined his
crusade to stop the flow of heroin reaching his

He has told the leaders of emerging countries
bordering Afghanistan like Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,
and Tajikistan, it is their responsibility to stop the
tide of drugs that are polluting the streets and
causing untold misery in Scotland. "I have seen what
is happening and it frightens me. Eighty per cent of
the heroin that reaches Scotland's streets comes from
Afghanistan and the influence of the Taliban and their
criminality spreads across borders, their tentacles
spreading everywhere.

"Nato and those who want to see an end to the illegal
trade in drugs, humanity, guns, and sex slaves must
invest in these countries and help them restructure
their armies to cope with the civilian tasks of
stopping this tide of misery. If we don't we will
leave Europe with a frightening legacy of unrest and

He warned that, unlike the time of the Stalin's Soviet
Union, "few recognise or can identify this new and
very real danger."

He said countries like Kazakstan, which has more oil
than all the Gulf states put together, must be helped.
"We must give these countries the resources and the
courage to face down the criminals and drug dealers."

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