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.Russia, India Ready to Sign Package of Military Contracts
Russia and India are ready to sign a package of contracts on arms sales and
military-technical cooperation, and the first batch will be signed on June
6, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov announced Monday.
The two countries are entering a new stage of military cooperation by
jointly designing and producing military hardware, especially aircraft,
ships and submarines, said Klebanov, who co- chaired a session of the
Russian-Indian intergovernmental commission on military-technical
cooperation with his visiting Indian counterpart Jaswant Singh.
According to Klebanov, who is in charge of the military- industrial complex,
Russia and India will jointly design a general- purpose military-transport
plane, and the Ilyushin firm will be a Russian participant in the project.
"We are now completing the documents needed for starting its production,"
Klebanov said, noting the plane "is not going to be another AN-70, but an
absolutely different plane."
Klebanov said Russia and India are also holding talks on the creation of
warplanes of the fifth generation.
A contract on supplying Russia's Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier to India
is also to be signed in September to October this year, followed by the sale
of 60 MiG 29K deck combat planes and the construction of coastal
infrastructure, Klebanov said.
Singh said that Russia and India have signed contracts worth of 10 billion
U.S. dollars in the sphere of military-technical cooperation.
The recently signed large contracts on supplying India with Su- 30MKI jets
and T-90 tanks are very important for India, said the minister, urging
thorough implementation of those contracts.
Singh, who is also India's foreign minister, discussed bilateral relations
with Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov on the same day in the context of
preparations for a visit by Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee
scheduled for November. They also exchanged views on strategic stability and
the Southern Asian situation.
The ministers emphasized "the importance of close cooperation between the
two countries in the struggle against such global challenges such as
international terrorism and religious extremism, " said a Foreign Ministry
Singh arrived here Sunday evening for a three-day official visit amid the
stepping up cooperation between Moscow and New Delhi in military spheres.


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