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Bush Sending CIA Chief to Mideast
Jun 05, 2001 02:54 p.m. PDT   

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- - - - - 
WASHINGTON -- President Bush, signaling a more active role in mediation 
between Israel and the Palestinians, on Tuesday decided to send CIA Director 
George Tenet to the Middle East to build on a cease-fire. 

Tenet will leave late Tuesday and arrive in the Middle East on Wednesday, 
U.S. officials said. He will stay several days, visiting Israel's Arab 
neighbors as well as Israel and possibly the Palestinian territories, they 

It will be the Central Intelligence Agency director's first trip to the 
region since he went in October last year. Under the administration of former 
President Bill Clinton he played a key role in helping the sides work out 
security arrangements. 

Everybody's got issues in Politics
Bush said: "We believe enough progress has been made on the cease-fire that 
it is time to send George Tenet to the Middle East to start serious 
discussions at the security level about how to make sure that the cease-fire 

"Once the violence has ceased, once there is a cease-fire in place, once 
there's strong security arrangements back in place then we can start having 
political discussions," he told reporters at the White House. 

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said: "We would expect him to meet 
with security chiefs and responsible authorities from all sides." He added 
"His goal this time is to assess the situation and to encourage additional 
security cooperation between the parties." 


U.S. officials had said before the trip was announced that they wanted to be 
sure Tenet could meet Palestinian security officials Mohammed Dahlan and 
Jibril al-Rajoub, who had stayed away from recent low-level security 

The Bush administration took over in January promising a more hands-off 
approach toward the region after Clinton's intense personal diplomacy, which 
came close to a settlement but then failed last year. 

It kept its distance for months while violence raged between Israel and the 

But it began a diplomatic initiative to promote proposals of an international 
commission led by former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell last month and became more 
involved after Palestinian President Yasser Arafat announced a cease-fire 
last week. 

Arafat was responding to the risk of massive Israeli attacks in revenge a the 
suicide bombing which killed 21 people at a nightclub in Tel Aviv on Friday. 

Secretary of State Colin Powell spoke to Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon 
Peres by telephone on Tuesday as part of a U.S. diplomatic effort to 
strengthen the cease-fire and push the Israelis and Palestinians toward 
confidence-building measures. 

"We've seen a lower level of violence over the past 48 hours, and we're very 
pleased to see that the situation appears to be headed in the right 
direction," Boucher said. 

"It is important that we see sustained actions by the parties to maintain 
this situation and to make the cessation of violence endure," he added. 

In the Middle East, Tenet will work closely with Powell's "special assistant" 
William Burns, who stayed on in the region after initial contacts with Arafat 
and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon last month, Boucher said. 


Burns has the added mission of trying to set a timetable for political 
measures recommended by the Mitchell commission. 

The commission suggested that Israel ease the restrictions on Palestinians, 
stop all settlement activity and resume talks with the Palestinians on the 
future of the West bank and Gaza. 

Tenet, who over the years has established fairly good relations with Israeli 
and Palestinian officials, had played a key role in brokering security talks 
by Clinton. 

President Bush at first decided to stop sending Tenet to security cooperation 
talks between Israelis and Palestinians, and tried instead to have them deal 
directly with each other. 

Lower-ranking CIA officials, however, have been involved in meeting with both 
sides this year with the goal of stopping eight months of violence that has 
claimed hundreds of lives. 

Asked why the Bush administration has now changed its mind on high-level CIA 
engagement, Boucher said: "There's different leadership in Israel. There's a 
different situation on the ground... I don't think it should surprise you 
that where we have people who can work on the security situation, like 
Director Tenet, that they would get involved." 

In his latest contacts with the leaders on Monday, Powell asked Arafat to 
arrest extremists and Sharon to maintain his policy of abstaining from 
revenge attacks on Palestinians. 

Boucher said he did not know if Arafat had ordered any arrest since speaking 
to Powell. 

Copyright © 2001 Reuters Limited.

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