Title: April 2001 - Enforcement and Detention figures

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The "friendly" face of "New Labour". They want to increase the numbers removed. With the harmonization of European immigration and asylum laws - even fewer people will be able to enter "Fortress Europe". Jack Straw wants to deprive even genuine asylum seekers the right of asylum. The "New World Order" in action.
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
110 Hamstead  Road
Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947  Fax:  0870-055-4570
Web site:  http://www.ncadc.org.uk/


April  2001 - Enforcement and Detention figures

Removals for the month of April  2001

In Country, (Enforcement removals): 1,065

Port refused & removed: 3,085

Total Number of removals: 4,150 (figures do not include dependants).

Within these figures are 1,155  asylum seekers + 325 dependents total 1,480

Virtual total of enforcements for March 4,475

*The Home Office method of calculating dependants is through an 'uplift figure' which is 1.282 (or 28.2%, 'uplift figure' is only used for asylum seekers)

New Labour from May 1997 to April 2001, deported 168,861 persons.


          Persons recorded as being in detention in the United Kingdom solely under 1971 Immigration Act powers as at 30th April 2001, by place of detention:


Immigration detention centres                  
Campsfield House   179
Dover Harbour   27
Harmondsworth   74
Longport   2
Manchester Airport   14
Tinsley House   70
Prison establishments                  
Bedford   4
Belmarsh   46
Birmingham   6
Blakenhurst   5
Bristol   2
Brixton   17
Canterbury   3
Cardiff   40
Chelmsford   6
Cornton Vale   2
Craiginches   7
Doncaster   13
Dorchester   5
Durham   7
Elmley   3
Feltham   11
Forest Bank   6
Gateside   59
Glen Parva   2
Haslar   137
High Down   69
Holloway   25
Holme House   47
Leeds   6
Lewes   4
Lindholme   107
Liverpool   89
Magilligan  12
Manchester   6
New Hall   2
Norwich   5
Pentonville   12
Rochester   171
Styal   2
Wandsworth   48
Winchester   49
Woodhill   3
Wormwood Scrubs   47
Other prison establishments  10
Total   1,461

1,095 held in detention/prisons and criminal prisons

366 held in Detention Centres
**Occupancy figure for Oakington Reception Centre 254

A total of 1,715  persons not at liberty

Asylum seekers held in prison establishments are subject to prison rules.

Figures exclude persons detained in police cells (other than at Dover Harbour).
Figures for Prison establishments may include some persons detained under dual immigration and other powers.

**Oakington is catorgrised by the Home Office as a holding/reception centre and excluded from the detainee table.

Below are the locations of the Home Office detention estate.
Figures are for the number of beds at each location, total 1,842 beds.

Detention Centres

       Campsfield 184
  Dover Harbour 20
        Harmondsworth 91
        Queens buildings, Heathrow 15
   Longport 8
      Manchester Airport 16
   Tinsley House 150
Detention Prisons

        *HMP Haslar 160
        *HMP Rochester 198
        *HMP Lindholme 110

Designated Prisons

        * HMP Belmarsh 50
       * HMP Wandsworth 50
     * HMP Bullingdon 50
        * HMP Highdown 50
       * HMP Lincoln 50
        * HMP Holme House 60
    * HMP Liverpool 50
        * HMP Cardiff   50
        * HMP Winchester 50, (detainees are kept on the same wing as remands).
        * HMP Elmley   30, (detainees are kept on the same wing as remands).

Holding/reception centres

           Oakington 400

        At 30th April 2001 48  criminal prisons held detainees.

            The Prison Service makes places available to the Immigration and Nationality Department for immigration detainees as and when required.
        *Asylum seekers and immigration detainees held in these establishments and prisons are subject to prison rules, (treated as remand prisoners).
A monthly break down of enforcement and detention statistics is available on NCADC's web site, (left hand frame resources).

Statistics from: Home Office Research Development & Statistics Directorate:
All figures are provisional and constantly subject to revision.

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