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What the Annanized/Albrightized former United Nations
has done with Liberian President Charles Taylor is a
logical extension of what too much of the world
permitted it to do to Slobodan Milosevic: Demonize and
criminalize him without one scrap of solid evidence.
Unless we struggle to undo this dangerous precedent,
any number of leaders who attempt to stand up to the
so-called New World Order are next in line.
In addition to Charles Taylor of Liberia, the next
likely targets include:
Hugo Chavez (Venezuela)
Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe)
Mahithir Muhammed (Malaysia)
Alexander Lukashenko (Belarus)
Islam Karimov (Uzbekistan)
Velupillai Prabhakaran (LTTE, Sri Lanka)
Muhammed Abdelaziz (Polisario Front, Western Sahara)
Foday Sankoh (Sierra Leone)
Yassir Arafat (Palestine)
Jean Bertrand Aristide (Haiti)
Abdullah Ocalan (Turkish Kurdistan, already a victim)

And this doesn't include the leaders of alleged rogue
states/states of concern.
In short, anyone that the U.S. State Department (and
George Soros) has it in for.
If anyone desires to know who's next on the hit list,
check out the Web pages of Human Rights Watch and
International War and Peace Reporting.
But the battle - the world battle - is now being waged
in Belgrade. End the precedent and you end the process.

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