Title: FW: [TW] FW: We don't know if there were women and children, we just blew them up

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From: "John Jay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Subject: Re: [TW] FW: We don't know if there were women and children, we just blew them up
Date: Thu, Jun 7, 2001, 11:22 am

Quite right... I do that all the time - especially
whenever mainstream Western "news" sources
suddenly begin piling up glaringly one-sided
tales of internal aggravation or civil strife
in some part of the world where the USA (and
Britain) are itching to intervene... Or when they
start media-borne character-assassinations of
foreign political figures they want their own
public to believe are baby-eating monsters...

When that happens, don't you just know they're
conditioning people to accept and support the

Like Kosovo, in 1998/99... Like Milosevic, right now!

What's the matter - do you now suspect some of
us are spreading this long-concealed account of
American and British war-crimes, brutality and
selective double-standards, simply in order to
prepare as many people as possible to accept and
support a reversal of that trend...? Is that what
you think...?  

Damn-right we are...!!!

From: frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TW] FW: We don't know if there were women and children, we just blew them up
Date: Wed, Jun 6, 2001, 6:40 pm

It is always worthwhile in judging information, I say information since events of nearly sixty years ago is hardly news,, whether it be a written article , a film , a television programme, or just an e-mail, to ask the question why was the information presented.


From: "Pedja Zoric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [yugoslaviainfo] We don't know if there were women and children, we just blew them up
Date: Mon, Jun 4, 2001, 6:45 pm

'We just blew it all up. We don't know if there were women and children or
whatever, we just blew them up,'

'The truth is that war is an occasion when god-awful things happen,'

[The ultimate war crime is to start the war.]

Pedja Zoric


Film exposes Allies' Pacific war atrocities

Horrific footage shot during battle with Japanese shows execution
of wounded and bayoneting of corpses.

Jason Burke
Sunday June 3, 2001
The Observer

For more than half a century they have been portrayed as wholesome heroes who
fought in terrible conditions to save the Western way of life from Japanese

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