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U.S. urged to compensate for DPRK's loss of electricity

     Pyongyang, June 6 (KCNA) -- The construction of light-water reactors
(LWRS) with a total generating capacity of 2,000 mw(e) which the United
States committed itself to provide to the DPRK by 2003 under the DPRK-U.S.
agreed framework (AF) is too much delayed and thus the implementation of the
agreement has reached a serious pass. Though 7 years have passed since the
adoption of the agreement the site preparation has not yet been completed,
to say nothing of the start of the ground work.
    But the U.S. has taken a number of opportunities such as the recent
Honolulu meeting to spread the theory of "early inspection" of the
"nuclear-related facilities" of the DPRK instead of taking measures to
compensate for the resultant loss of electricity.
    The DPRK-U.S. agreed framework stipulates that negotiations should be
held with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) after the most of
the lwr project has been carried out and before the delivery of the major
nuclear-related parts and, accordingly, the agreement on assurances should
be implemented. 
    However, the U.S., turning aside from the present situation where the
date for the completion of the LWRS can not be predicted, has come out with
sophism that it is necessary to conduct an early special inspection in order
to complete the lwr project as early as possible because this inspection to
be made before the delivery of the key parts will take a considerable time.
    The inspection is unthinkable before a great deal of the LWR project has
been carried out. 
    The U.S. talk about the "early inspection" before fulfilling its
commitment is a trick to backpedal all its commitments under the AF and
raise issues which have nothing to do with the AF in a bid to evade its
responsibility for the delay in the LWR project and compensation for the
loss of electricity.
    It is preposterous for the U.S. to unilaterally pull up the DPRK without
implementing the AF.
    As far as the implementation of the AF is concerned, the DPRK had
completely frozen the graphite-moderated reactors and their related
facilities within one month, allowed the IAEA's inspection of them and
completed the safe storage of spent-fuel rods.
    But the U.S. has taken no measures to settle the issue of the indefinite
delay in the construction of LWRS it committed itself to provide to the DPRK
in return for the DPRK's nuclear freeze. Yet, the U.S. demanded the DPRK
take "necessary measures for the successful implementation of the AF." This
is like a thief crying "stop the thief ".
    As the DPRK repeatedly clarified, the demand for compensation for the
loss of electricity is not a tactic but a crucial issue related to the right
to existence. if this issue is not solved, the DPRK will be left with no
option but to restart the construction of graphite-moderated reactors for
its existence. 
    The DPRK has suffered a huge loss of electricity due to its freeze of
the nuclear power industry under the agreed framework. If it had gone ahead
with the construction of the graphite-moderated reactors as scheduled it
would have already completed them, created a total generating capacity of
over 1 million kw and produced a lot of electricity.
    The DPRK can not sit idle for an indefinite period while leaving the
issue of electricity vital to the state to be settled by others.
    It will be a serious mistake if the U.S. considers the DPRK's demand for
the compensation for the loss of electricity as a lever for putting a sort
of "pressure" or reigning over "negotiations."
    Before the adoption of the AF the DPRK made a political concession to
sacrifice its independent nuclear power industry out of its good intention
to clear the U.S. of its "nuclear suspicion" and promote global peace and
    But now we do not feel any need to abide by the AF allowing its right to
existence to be infringed upon.
    It is the deserved right and option for the DPRK to restart the
construction of graphite-moderated reactors for its right to existence
unless compensation is made for the electricity loss resulting from the
heavy delay in the lwr project which makes its prospect gloomy.
    If the U.S. truly wants to save the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework it should
meet the DPRK's demand.
    If the U.S. fails to meet the demand for the compensation for the loss
of electricity, it will be hard to save the AF from its collapse and the
DPRK will find no option but to go its own way.

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