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U.S. Missile Shield Plan Top of NATO Agenda
12:06 pm PST, 6 June 2001

U.S. plans for a missile defence shield are the main item of the agenda of
this week's meeting in Brussels of NATO defense ministers.

The meeting will be attended by the U.S. Defense Secretary, Donald

Many of Washington's European allies have raised concerns that the planned
U.S. missile defense will undercut arms control agreements such as the 1972
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty that forbids such systems.

And a NATO Foreign Ministers meeting last week saw those allies hesitant
about endorsing the idea, or Washington's perception of a missile threat
from such states as North Korea and Iraq.

But diplomats from allied nations say their defense ministers will want to
hear Mr. Rumsfeld's ideas on missile defense, and expect him to go into
detail about options Washington is studying.

A U.S. official says Mr. Rumsfeld will outline his ideas on possible
features of the plan, such as ship and land-based anti-missile weaponry and
airborne lasers.

He is also expected to sketch out Washington's new strategic outlook and its
proposed reform of defense policy.

The Europeans have welcomed the Bush Administration's commitment to consult
with them and with Russia on missile defense.

Russia's new defense minister, Sergei Ivanov, will join his NATO
counterparts Friday for a discussion on that and other matters.

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Miroslav Antic,

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