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And they should be proud of!


ANKARA (INAF) - In spite of being a full member of the EU
for long years, Greece persists with its behaviour that
does not conform to the Union=92s philosophy and fundamental
principles.  Greece is currently in the position of being
the only country under the EU roof that regards as
non-existent the South-western Europe Stability Pact
meeting held in Strasbourg on 22nd May. At the meeting in
question, the minorities issue was discussed in detail and
the projects developed by the Council of Europe for the
protection of minorities within the framework of the pact
were taken up.
While Greece insists on rejecting the principles of the
South-western Europe Stability Pact=92s Convention For
National Minorities, the Council of Europe Secretariat has
confirmed that Athens has left unanswered the invitations
issued to it.  Greece, which also regards the Tzamouria
question as  non-existent and which deprives =93all its
citizens that he considers not its own=94 of the benefits
from being the subjects of an EU member country, violates
not only the fundamental principles but the diplomatic
rules too.
According to a statement from the Council of Europe=92s
Political Directorate, Foreign Minister George Papandreou
announced fifteen months ago that his country intended to
participate in the minorities project of the Stability Pact
and to appoint a representative. After that, Greece both
kept up its contrary behaviour towards the Stability Pact=92s
working plan number one on the subject of human rights and
minorities and used its veto in a manner to obstruct the
Stability Pact=92s cooperation with the minorities.
Meanwhile, in the past 12 months Greece has frequently been
criticised by inter-governmental organisations, including
chiefly the UN and the Council of Europe, and
non-governmental organisations. And the reason
for all the criticisms is Greece=92s adoption of an
intolerant policy towards the minorities.
Greece=92s basic difficulty vis a vis the EU stems from its
failure to face its own realities and to be adequately
influenced by the virtues constituting the foundation
stones of the European Union. The policy Greece followed
and the philosophy it relied on since becoming a member of
the EU are not different to those before he became a
member.  For
Athens =93Greece still belongs to the  Greeks.=94 And for
Athens Greece is =93Hellenic Civilisation.=94 For the solution
of Greece=92s problem, which increasingly costs more to it
and its circle, it has got to accept being a =93part of
Europe=94 and to identity with the supranational structure
only in form but in content too.
While Greece sticks to its insistence that there isn=92t any
ethnic-national minority in its territory, it also
continues to regard as =93separatist=94 and =93with roots
outside=94 those who demand the rights that were promised to
them. The Muslim-Turks of Western Thrace are the only
minority officially recognised by Greece. But this group,
which is
officially recognised only as Muslims, also includes those
of Pomak and Gypsy origins.
In Greece=92s Ankara Ambassador Konrantis=92 report, sent back
to base and published by the Pontiki newspaper, the leaders
of the Turkish minority in Western Thrace are accused of
being =93Kemalists=94. When it is taken into account that the
fundamental world philosophy of Kemalism is =93Peace
At Home, Peace in the World,=94 it becomes difficult to
understand Athens=92 concerns. The Turkish Minority=92s only
representative in parliament, the PASOK deputy Galip Galip
is described in the same report as =93Eager to consolidate
the positions of Turkish organisations.=94
As for an ambassador appointed to Ankara writing a report
that contains formal accusations against the domestic
policy and an elected representative of the country he
represents, it is evaluated by the
Greek Foreign Ministry with the statement  =93Ambassador
Konrantis=92 has responsibility and competence, which cannot
be denied.=94
If as expressed delicately in the report penned in Ankara
Galip Galip were =93Eager to consolidate the positions of
Turkish organisations,=94 and if according to the same
report, Western Thracian leaders were =93Kemalists=94,
shouldn=92t the Greek majority in the country, press
organisations and politicians have reacted to prevent this
in the
=93country that is solely theirs.=94
Maybe  they should have, but then the parties endeavouring
to increase their votes would have had to ignore the
=93Kemalist=94 votes. While in the modern world minorities are
regarded as bridges of friendship between countries, from
Athens=92 point of view, they are in the nature of a test
of self-confidence.
The Macedonian minority=92s position in Greece is not any
different from the Turkish minority=92s position in Western
Thrace. Athens does not recognise the Macedonian minority
in the country either. Therefore, the Macedonians of Greece
are exerting intensive efforts both in and outside the
country to prove their existence. Athens has never put the
=93What do you want?=94 to the Macedonians whose language and
culture are different. Instead, Athens has always imposed
on them the ethnic identity it considers appropriate.
One important point the Macedonians have in common with the
Turks is that both see themselves as belonging to Greece. 
Neither the Macedonians nor the Turks have upto the present
engaged in conduct designed to violate the territorial
integrity of Greece. And no statement or organisation to
this end has been observed to this day.

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