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Washington, Beijing Reach Consensus on WTO
by Brian Rhoads
Saturday, June 09, 2001 9:02 a.m. EDT

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SHANGHAI (Reuters) - The United States and China on Saturday said they had 
reached consensus on issues holding up Beijing's entry to the World Trade 
Organization and would work toward bringing China into the global trade body 
by year-end. 

The announcement followed talks between China's Foreign Trade Minister Shi 
Guangsheng and U.S. trade representative Cooperation (APEC) trade ministers 
meeting in Shanghai this week. 

"We are pleased to report that the U.S. and China have reached consensus on 
major issues that we discussed," the U.S. embassy in Beijing said in a 

"China and the U.S. agree that we should now work together in Geneva to 
complete China's WTO accession," it said. 

The statement did not detail the issues discussed, but talks on China's entry 
have stalled over the amount of subsidies Beijing can pay its farmers. 

The two countries also discussed trading rights, distribution and insurance 
market access during bilateral talks Tuesday, Zoellick told a news conference 
earlier this week. 

U.S. officials said earlier that the talks with China were positive, but 
neither side had indicated any consensus had been reached until Saturday. 

The United States had wanted China to pay farm subsidies of just five percent 
as a developed country. China had insisted it could pay subsidies of 10 
percent as a developing country. 

The WTO has already announced its members and China will hold high-level 
talks in Geneva from June 28 to July 4. The last round of multilateral talks 
was held in January. 

"This understanding is a win-win result for China and the U.S.," Zoellick 
said in the statement. "It should help us and the other nations of the WTO to 
try to complete China's accession this year." 


In a similarly worded statement released through the official Xinhua news 
agency, China's trade minister Shi said the two sides had reached "full 
consensus" on remaining issues concerning its entry. 

"This has served to create important conditions for the 16th session of the 
China working group of the WTO to be held in Geneva at the end of this month, 
and for ending the substantive talks for China's accession to the WTO at an 
early date," Shi said. 

APEC trade ministers closed a two-day meeting in Shanghai Thursday with an 
urgent call for completion of negotiations to get China into the WTO this 

But analysts warn it will still be a race for China to enter the WTO before 
the end of the year. 

Even though China and the United States appear to have worked out their 
differences, the WTO must draft a complicated accession protocol that could 
take three to six months -- leaving a narrow window of opportunity for entry 
this year. 

Analysts say China could shelve sweeping economic reforms linked to WTO 
pledges if it does not enter the trade body soon. 

Zoellick said in the statement that progress on China's entry would also add 
momentum to the launch of a new global trade round, which could take place at 
a WTO meeting in Qatar in November. 

China wants to act as a bridge between developing and developed countries for 
the next trade round. Trade officials say China -- now only an observer -- 
would need to be a member of the WTO to participate fully in the new trade 

(With additional reporting by Bill Savadove) 

Copyright © 2001 Reuters Limited.


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