(from Snezana Vitorovich)


Dear friends,


I am sending the press release for movie theatre première of the documentary "Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War" that was shown on History Television last April. A number of people had complained that, since they do not have pay TV, they could not see it. So here it is in Toronto's Bloor Cinema on June 26th.


Note: this will be a one-time screening. After the screening you will have the chance to meet one of the producers, Mr. George Bogdanich as well the author Scott Taylor.


The advance sale of the tickets is available at the following locations in



Serbica Books 2465 Dundas St.W   tel:416-539 0476

Mosaic Tour   2510 Yonge St #203 416-489 0699

Toronto Travel 427 Donlands Ave. 416-461 8171

Slavia Travel 1425 Dundas St. E unite 202, Mississauga 905-602 0365

Ma Belle Beauty Salon 24,Mabelle Ave. 416-236 0847

Bloor Optical 2235 Blor St. W. tel: 416-769 699

Lily's European Delicatessen 978 Pape Ave tel:416-421-0306


Also if you would like to reserve tickets, please send me an e-mail and your ticket will be waiting at Bloor Cinema ticket office so that you can pick it up just before the screening.


Hope to see you at the Bloor Cinema on June 26! Please bring your friends and children to this evening of learning and sharing. The victims of this unjust, illegal and "avoidable war" deserve our respect, support and commitment to truth in history. Thank you, Snezana


Press Release




Wednesday, June 6, 2001


New York's Frontier Theatre and Film Inc. presents the award-winning documentary


"Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War"


Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2001

Time: 7:30 PM

Place: Bloor Cinema, 506 Bloor St. West at Bathurst

Admission: $10, students $5

Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War is co-produced by George Bogdanich and German TV producer Martin Lettmayer.


TORONTO - The documentary traces how crucial mistakes by the West, particularly Germany and the US led to the violent break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991, culminating in the devastating NATO bombing campaign of 1999.

"Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War" traces the role of Western intelligence agencies in arming separatist groups in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo and reveals how Western governments supported different sides in an ethnic conflict while portraying themselves as peacemakers. Most compelling are the candid statements of the decision-makers themselves, including former EC Mediator Lord Peter Carrington, former US Secretaries of State James Baker and Lawrence Eagleburger, as well as Germany's former foreign minister, Hans Dietrich Genscher, UN Commanders Lewis MacKenzie and Sir Michael Rose, former Newsweek military correspondent Col. David Hackworth, author Susan Woodward, former Nuremberg prosecutor Walter Rockler, historian Nora Beloff, Canadian diplomat James Bissett, author Scott Taylor and many other participants and observers.


The LA Weekly called the film "truly accomplished," adding: "The numerous strategic missteps by the West and the endless political doublespeak are carefully detailed. The tragedy of the situation seems to multiply before your eyes as the film clearly proves that so much of the bloodshed could have easily been prevented."


Winner Best Social Documentary at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival, September 1999.


This  special screening is sponsored by Association of Serbian Women and WILPF ( Women International League for Peace and Freedom , Toronto Chapter)


For more information , please call Snezana Vitorovich at 416-928-0043 or





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