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[Doesn't the despotic strongman Asnar realize that
he's only driving ethnic Basques into the arms of the
ETA, when less than 10% of Basques in Spain hold
government jobs?
Will he wait until the civil rights activists start
shelling Madrid and cutting off the water supply to
Barcelona before he recognizes the need to call in
Javier Solana and George Robertson, who will broker a
deal with the ETA to grant them amnesty and bring them
into the government, the government of a nation that -
Brussels insists - reconfigure its constitution and
introduce the Basque language as co-equal to the
dominant Spanish one?
What do Human Rights Watch, the International Crisis
Group and International War and Peace Reporting have
to say about this unspeakable act of ethnocide, the
worst since Hitler?]  

June 14, 2001
Suspected Members of ETA Arrested
MADRID, Spain (AP) -- Police arrested seven suspected
members of the armed separatist group ETA on Thursday
and confiscated dynamite and bomb-making equipment in
raids in the Basque region.
More than 100 police and members of an elite commando
force began the raids at 2:30 a.m. on apartments in
the towns of Mondragon and Aramayona, officials said.
Police confiscated 80 pounds of dynamite along with
bomb-making equipment such as detonators, timers and
The dynamite confiscated was ''enough to blow up a
building with no problem whatsoever,'' Interior
Minister Mariano Rajoy said.
Documents seized included a map of the northern city
of Logrono and markings on the spot where a car bomb
blamed on ETA exploded Sunday. No one was hurt, but
the explosion caused extensive damage to buildings and
Three of those detained are brothers, Rajoy said.
State radio said another is a woman lawyer.
ETA has claimed or been blamed for 31 killings since
it ended a cease-fire in December 1999 after 14
months. The group has killed about 800 people since
its campaign for an independent Basque homeland began
in 1968.

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