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[Via Communist Internet... ]
----- Original Message -----
From: Patrik Paulov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 1:50 PM
Subject: Report from Swedish anti-EU-protest

>From the Communist Party, KPML(r), of Sweden.

1. 16.000 demonstrated against the European Union!

On Friday June 15th 16.000 people marched through the centre of
Gothenburg under the main banners "Sweden Out Of E.U." and "NO to EMU".
This in connection with the EU Summit meeting held in the city June
This is the largest ever manifestation against the membership of the EU
held in any EU-country in connection with summit meetings!
The majority of the Swedish people are opposed to Sweden being a member
of the E.U. This has been the result shown in virtually every opinion
poll held ever since 1995, when Sweden became a member state.
The manifestation was arranged by a broad network, including the
following major organisations: political parties, as the Communist
party- KPML(r); Left Party - Vänsterpartiet and Green Party-
Miljöpartiet, and other organisations as Popular Movement No to EU -
Folkrörelsen Nej till EU, EU-Critical Social-Democrats - EU-kritiska
Socialdemokrater, and trade unions as Transport Workers Union and
Dockers´ Union - Hamnarbetarförbundet.
Anders Carlsson, chairman of KPML(r), was one of the eight speakers at
the rally. In his speech he said, among other things:
- This is a great day because we - representing the Swedish EU
resistance, together with our friends from Norway, Denmark and other
countries - have, at least for a few hours, made this area of the city a
liberated area, a EU-free zone! By this we show that we - together with
the majority of the Swedish people - want to liberate Sweden and Europe
from the EU project of the market liberalism, from the dictatorship of
the market which is what the EU is. /.../
I represent a party that is fighting to get Sweden out of the E.U. We
refuse to accept those who says that EU is our destiny, who says that
nothing can be done about the EU membership and who says one has to do
the best in a given situation.
That is a position suitable for a masochist!
The best of the EU situation is not good enough; it´s not good at all;
it will never be good. /.../
EU is legislated right wing politics.
EU is mass unemployment, social destruction, privatisation and
insecurity to ordinary working class people.
EU is an elitist super power project, sacrificing democracy and national
sovereignty on the alter of the European imperialism, and placing the
interests of this European imperialism before peace and international
The rally adopted a resolution that was presented to the deputy Prime
Minister Lena Hjelm-Wallén after the meeting, demanding a new
referendum, where the Swedish people could express its opinion on the

2. 12.500 in largest anti-imperialist manifestation in 30 years!

The largest anti-imperialist manifestation since the Vietnam war took
place in Gothenburg on Thursday, June 14th, in connection with the visit
of George W. Bush to the EU summit meeting. 12.500 people marched
through the centre of the city and at the Götaplatsen square the rally
listened to nine speakers. The short speeches covered different aspects
of the threats to the peoples of the world that US imperialism
represents, f.i. Cuba, Colombia, the new Star Wars, "globalization".
The International Secretary of the Communist Party-KPML(r), Teddy-John
Frank, said in his speech, among other things:
- A mass murderer has arrived to our city today! There are talks about
crooks in the world and rogue states. But the real crook is George W.
Bush and the real rogue state is the USA! And he is here and we send him
this message: Bush not welcome! /.../
It is said that globalization is part of the new world order, and the
former economic laws and systems now are invalid and are being replaced
by something called the "new economy".
Is it true? I am a materialist. I look around in the world and I see
that it is imperialism that exploits the people and resources of the
world - now as before
that capitalists are profiting on other peoples´ work - now as before
and that they make there decisions in closed rooms with only one goal,
their profits - now as before.

3. Third large manifestation with 9.000 people

On Saturday, June 16th, a third manifestation took place in Gothenburg,
arranged by other political grouping and some of those participating on
The main theme was "Another Europe" and included were a number of groups
with other political agenda than the anti-EU manifestation the day

4. KPML(r)´s paper Proletären can be contacted if You want to get
pictures from the anti-EU manifestation and the anti-Bush
demonstration.   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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