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----- Original Message ----- 
From: Downwithcapitalism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 1:23 PM
Subject: [downwithcapitalism] PDS: NATO bombing assent unconstitutional

Deutsche Presse-Agentur. 20 June 2001. Berlin Faces Court Action Over
NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia.

KARSRUHE -- The tremors from 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia continue to
reverberate across the German political landscape with Germany's
reformed communist party launching a constitutional court action against
the U.S. backed security alliance's raids.

The Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) believes that the German
government's agreement for the NATO's bombing raids was unconstitutional
because the nation's parliament, the Bundestag, was not consulted.

In the light of Germany's wartime past, military action involving German
troops remains a deeply sensitive issue in the nation with the PDS
having fiercely opposed the NATO raids which followed Belgrade's
aggressive moves in the Yugoslavian province of Kosovo.

As argument in the constitutional court commenced on Tuesday, a PDS
leader, Gregor Gysi claimed that NATO's role had been extended by the
bombing raids and as a result the central part of the agreement with
NATO had been changed.

Gysi insisted that bypassing the parliament not only raised democratic
issues but also questions about the legal protection of the nation's

At the heart of the case is the German Federal Government's endorsement
in April 1999 of a so-called a new strategic concept for NATO

This was also agreed to by other members of the trans-atlantic alliance
and stressed that the transatlantic security group faced new complex

Defending the German Government's action before the constitutional court
on Tuesday, the nation's Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer said that
parliamentary agreement for the concept was not necessary as it was not
a binding contract but a political document.

But Fischer said that Berlin believed the case before the constitutional
court had "enormous political significance."

"It concerns the negotiating abilities of the government in following
its international responsibilities," he said.

As a measure of the tensions unleashed in Germany by the NATO action,
Fischer had paint thrown over him during a rowdy meeting of his Green
Party at the height of the bombing raids.

*               *               *               *


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