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Friday, 22 June, 2001, 10:35 GMT 11:35 UK 
Exxon 'helped torture in Indonesia'

Indonesian troops were hired to protect the gas fields

An international human rights group says it has filed a lawsuit against the 
giant ExxonMobil oil company, accusing it of actively abetting human rights 
abuses in Indonesia. 
In a case filed in Washington, the International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF) 
says Exxon was implicated by virtue of the local army units it hired to 
protect its natural gas fields in Aceh province, northern Sumatra. 

ExxonMobil - which often trades under the brand name Esso - understood that 
the army units were notoriously brutal in their treatment of Indonesia's 
ethnic minorities
Lawyer Terry Collingsworth  
The case, brought on behalf of 11 Acehnese villagers, accuses Exxon of 
complicity in the murder, torture and sexual abuse of the local population. 

It alleges that Exxon provided the Indonesian military with equipment to dig 
mass graves, as well as building interrogation and torture centres. Exxon 
denies all the allegations. 

The action is being taken under the Alien Tort Claims Act, which allows US 
jurisdiction over acts committed outside the US. 

Hard evidence 

Terry Collingsworth, a lawyer for the ILRF, said Exxon knew from the 
beginning about the security forces' reputation of brutality towards ethnic 

Exxon is accused of encouraging human rights abuses
"This is the first time we actually have evidence that the oil company has 
supported the instrumentality for the human rights violations," he said. 

An Exxon statement said the company was "deeply troubled" by the violence in 
North Aceh and was concerned for the safety of its staff and subcontractors. 

"Our company rejects and categorically denies any suggestion or implication 
that it or its affiliate companies were in any way involved with alleged 
human rights abuses by security forces in Aceh," it added. 

Operations suspended 

Thousands of people have died in the long-running separatist campaign by Aceh 
militants against the Indonesian Government - more than 700 have died this 
year alone. 

Exxon in Aceh 
2nd largest LNG producer in Indonesia
Max 1.66bn cu ft/day
Production shut down 9 March
Closure costs Indonesia $100m per month 
Exxon suspended its operations there in March for security reasons. 

Despite pressure from the Indonesian government, which is losing an estimated 
$100m a month in liquid natural gas (LNG) revenues, the company has so far 
refused to restart its operation, although it is considering resuming its 

Exxon sites have been the scenes of fighting and staff have been threatened 
and even kidnapped. Vehicles have also been burned and shots have been fired 
at Exxon chartered aircraft. 

Exxon abroad 

The Asia-Pacific region contributes about 13% of ExxonMobil's worldwide 
production of oil and gas. 

In Indonesia, the company produces gas from the country's largest natural gas 
field - Arun - which is then processed by the state owned oil and gas firm 

Last year, this gas yielded 118 cargoes of the valuable LNG which was shipped 
to customers in Japan and Korea. 

Other exploration, appraisal and development planning activities are 
currently under way in the region. 

Many of the world's potential hotspots for oil are also located in areas of 
political unrest such as Nigeria and Algeria. 

Oil companies are often forced to weigh the risks of entering a particular 
area against the value of the assets they believe to be awaiting discovery 
below the surface.

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