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From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 7:00 PM
Subject: CP of Norway, Address to the Athens Meeting 22-24 June 2001 on "The
Communists and the Trade Union Movement"
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      CP of Norway, Address to the Athens Meeting 22-24 June 2001
            on "The Communists and the Trade Union Movement"
                    From: Communist Party of Norway
         , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Zafer Gözet

Dear Comrades,

First of all I would thank the Communist Party of Greece for organizing
this meeting.

We  are holding this meeting under hard conditions for the working
peoples and oppressed nations of the world. Yet these conditions are
also offering great hopes for the struggle to build a better world.

The achievements attained in the 20th century by humanity through the
socialist revolutions, started with the October Revolution, and national
liberation wars are today facing an imperialist assault called
globalisation. Having benefited the change in the balance of power in
its favour, the USA has set the aim of establishing a mono-polar world
following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

In order to establish a world system under the US hegemony called the
New World Order, the imperialism is seeking;

On the political plane, to demolish the nation-states and socialist
states which were established by the working peoples through revolutions
in the 20th century, to reduce the great majority of humanity into the
status of stateless peoples, and thereby to put an end to national
independence and sovereignty which is today the only framework of the
human rights and freedoms. In its pursuit to reach its aim, the USA and
other imperialists recognise no limit and norm; violate the human rights
under the cover of defending them; by using religious fundamentalism and
racism push the nationalities, religions and sects into bloody strifes;
establish artificial mini-states and divide the nations into religious
communities and religious orders through so-called Non Governmental

On the economical plane, the national markets are being destroyed and
the national classes from the working class to national industrialists
and tradesmen which are realising their economical interests on this
basis are being dispropertied an impoverished, and it is aimed to
establish a united world market under the dictatorship of dollar. Such
international institutions of international capital as the World Bank
and the IMF are being used as instruments in the implementation of this
programme. Today the imperialist-capitalist system is being transformed
into a system of Mafia, religious orders and Gladio. In NATO countries
and other places, the USA has taken the legitimate governments out of
function and the organisation of violence, also known as the Super NATO
or Gladio, was made de facto governments.

On the ideological-cultural plane, an unrelenting war is being conducted
against Scientific Socialism and revolutionary democracy, the
progressive heritage of humanity, and the mankind is being trapped into
selfish self-seeking, neo-liberalism, cosmopolitanism, imperialist
denial of loyalty to the fatherland, racist chauvinism, ethnocentrism,
religious fundamentalism and even such pre-civilisation beliefs as
fortune-telling and magic.

On the military plane, NATO is being turned into world gendarme as an
armed instrument of USA hegemony; disarmed through Pentagonisation and
liquidation of the national armies, the nations are being deprived of
the strength for resistance and, thereby, enslaved.

Nevertheless, there is a great disproportion between the strength and
the ambitions of the USA. Washington's project of a mono-polar world is
resulting in fiasco.

Although the USA mobilised all available forces during the Gulf War and
in its aggression on Yugoslavia, it was not able to reach its goals and
could not win a victory. The resistance by Iraq and Yugoslavia has once
more proved that only the countries relying on their own strength can
oppose the big machines of war. The criminal aggression on Yugoslavia
has been a new example of arbitrary and illegal use of force and
violated the UN Charter and all fundamental principles of international
relations and international law.

What is even more important is the fact that the USA and its ambitions
have met the solid rock of Eurasia. Rapid growth and strengthening of
solidarity in Eurasia, the continent with the greatest potentials of
human resources, territory and revolution, has risen an insurmountable
Eurasian Great Wall in front of the US imperialism.

The free future of the mankind is going to be determined by the great
struggle waged on this Wall. The national states are defending their
independence, by arms if necessary; the nations are clinging on their
freedom; and the working peoples are seeking revolutionary ways.

Today the most elementary question is how to accumulate the largest
possible force in building the Eurasian Wall against imperialism and how
to obstruct globalisation. The whole traditions of human civilisation,
aspirations for freedom and equality, love for one's land and country
are together with us in the struggle against the decaying capitalism,
which is the most barbarous system known in history.

Having an unshakeable trust in our working peoples, in oppressed nations
and in the revolutionary traditions of humanity, and sharing the
consciousness of world's re-entry in the 21st century into the age of
revolutions, we invite all fraternal parties to participate in the
Eurasian Solidarity and salute peoples of the world and all countries
struggling to defend their independence.

The Communist Party of Norway has always been a defender of the
interests of the working people of Norway as well as the working people
and the oppressed nations of the world.

For communist parties It's always vital to work among the masses. The
trade unions are one of the most important organisations to work in. The
imperialist ideology is almost widespread among the trade unions, first
of all in Europe. Traditionally co-operation with the social-democracy
resulted in capitulation to the imperialism. There are some trade unions
which accept even the privatisation. Many trade unions don't talk about
solidarity with the working class so as not to talk about international
solidarity. Some unions have been so barefaced that they declare
themselves as an interest group which don't belong to the working

The ideological background is very important. After the dissolution of
the Soviet Union some leftist parties (even communist parties) have
capitulated to the imperialism. As a result of that many trade unions as
well as many mass organisations have been affected by the "democracy"
and "human rights" propaganda of imperialism. Many trade unions operate
today as a "Non Governmental Organisations (NGO). We know very well that
the imperialist centres regard the NGOs as agents to put the national
states under the yoke of the oppressing world. It's also well known that
many trade union leaders in the oppressed countries are paid by the
imperialist centres while trade union leaders in Europe regard this
position as a jumping board to higher bureaucratic positions.

>From now on communist parties can't satisfied with winning the masses to
the revolutionary struggle. Recovering these organisations from the
imperialist attacks is a main task on it's own. It's not enough that
every member of the party has to be member of a mass organisation. It's
more vital to organise the party according to working in mass
organisations. Organising in this way will inevitably be the first step
of organise this area in which the party can meet the masses.

Our task is to organise our members in such a way that they are adapted
to their relevant mass organisations and activate them accordingly. It's
very important that all our members are at the same time members to
other mass organisations. But everyone must have an area of priority.

We have to follow a line which gives priority to the interests of the
members. We will never take over the trade unions, but to help them.
Our leading role will be stated by our ideological, political and
organisational success. We must give priority to  get in trade unions'
leaders in leading positions in our parties.


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