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June 29, 2001
Yugoslav Prime Minister Resigns
Associated Press Writer
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) -- Dismayed by Slobodan
Milosevic's extradition to the U.N. war crimes
tribunal, the Yugoslav prime minister and his
Montenegrin allies in the federal government announced
their resignation Friday.
The move by Zoran Zizic and other former Milosevic
allies could lead to early federal elections for
Yugoslavia and possibly even hasten a split between
its two remaining republics, Serbia and the much
smaller Montenegro.
The officials said their resignation meant the
collapse of the Cabinet, which is made up of Serbia's
pro-democracy officials and ministers from Montenegro
who turned their backs on Milosevic after his ouster
last October.
The Montenegrin officials, who met in the republic's
capital Podgorica, said in a statement that
Milosevic's extradition to tribunal in The Netherlands
was ''illegal and unconstitutional'' and ''jeopardizes
the functioning of Yugoslavia and its existence''
Zizic said he would hand in his formal resignation at
a Cabinet meeting in Belgrade later Friday. The leader
of the Montenegrin faction, Predrag Bulatovic, said
the move means ''the fall of the government'' and an
end of the Serb-Montenegrin coalition on the federal
Milosevic was handed over to tribunal in The Hague on
Thursday by the Serbian government, which ignored a
federal Constitutional Court ruling that banned his
The move triggered a major political crisis in
Yugoslavia, both in the country's shaky federal
government and within the ruling pro-democracy
coalition that ousted Milosevic last year.
Late Thursday, Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica
also described the Serbian government's unilateral
move as ''illegal and unconstitutional,'' saying the
extradition was carried out hastily and without
respect for legal procedure.
The state news agency Tanjug said Kostunica was
informed of the handover only after it happened.
Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, who oversaw the
extradition effort, said Yugoslavia had no choice but
to surrender Milosevic or face renewed international
isolation and the loss of much-needed foreign aid.
The rift between Kostunica and Djindjic, who together
managed to remove Milosevic from power last October,
could lead to the breakup of Serbia's pro-democracy
Meanwhile, Serbia's president, who was indicted by the
tribune along with Milosevic, soon may surrender to
the court, an official said Friday.
Milan Milutinovic is ''considering'' giving himself up
now that Milosevic is in The Hague to face trial on
charges of crimes against humanity, an Interior
Ministry official told The Associated Press, speaking
on condition of anonymity.
''It might happen soon,'' the official said.
It was not immediately clear whether Milutinovic would
offer to testify against Milosevic. Both men face
charges in connection with alleged atrocities
committed by Serb troops against ethnic Albanians
during the 1998-99 war in Kosovo, a province of
Milutinovic was close to Milosevic throughout the
former president's 13-year rule. After Milosevic's
ouster last October, Milutinovic sought to distance
himself from the former leader's policies and offered
to cooperate with Yugoslavia's new, pro-democracy
In a recent television interview, Milutinovic said the
indictment against him was based on his official
position as president of Serbia, Yugoslavia's main
republic, but claimed he had little to do with the
events in Kosovo.
''There is nothing that can be done, one cannot escape
one's own destiny,'' Milutinovic told private BK
Three other top officials were also indicted for the
Kosovo atrocities, including Nikola Sainovic, a former
Yugoslav deputy prime minister; Vlajko Stojiljkovic, a
former interior minister; and Gen. Dragoljub Ojdanic,
former head of the Yugoslav army.

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