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[Via Communist Internet... ]
----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 6:19 PM
Subject: CP of Greece, Statement to the Press, Athens Meeting, June 2001

    CP of Greece, Statement to the Press, Athens Meeting, June 2001
                    From: Communist Party of Greece
                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED],

             Press Release of the Communist Party of Greece
                         INTERNATIONAL MEETING
                         22-24 June 2001, Athens

Representatives from 54 Parties from 41 countries from all continents
attended the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
that was held in Athens on 22-24 June on the topic «Communists and the
labour and trade union movement». Many other, not in position to be
present for various reasons,  expressed their support to the initiative.

During the three-day meeting there was a rich debate and exchange of
views among the Communist and Workers' parties. It was generally
acknowledged that such meetings of Communist and Workers' parties are
both useful and necessary.

Quite a few speakers mentioned the need for such meetings to continue to
be convened and with greater frequency, as they show that despite the
difficult conditions prevailing both internationally and locally,
Communist and Workers' parties continue to act, meet and exchange their
experience, constituting a force with significant action on all

Many of the speakers stressed that the factor that has been developing
in the recent period internationally is the mass popular opposition to
and mobilization against the policy of Organizations such as the World
Trade Organization (WTO), the IMF and the World Bank as well as the EU
summit meetings, that constitute the instruments and keys for the
implementation of the policy of imperialist governments and monopoly
capital. These gatherings have been faced with anti-summits where many
movements expressed their opposition to the policy applied by the
mentioned international organizations and proposed various measures to
deal with it (Seattle, Washington, Prague, Nice, Quebec  etc., but also
May Day 2001).

There were also many speakers who stressed the importance and referred
to the preparations for the demonstrations that will be taking place
during the G 8 meeting in Genoa, on July, in Italy. Some of the
participants also noted the importance of the co-ordination of the
Communist and Workers' actions at the demonstrations against the summit
meeting in Brussels on December of 2001. The Parties support the
international meeting in Salvador against the «Plan  Colombia», as well
as the international meeting «for Peace in Colombia». In the meanwhile
there was stressed the need to develop locally, as well,  the protests
on the occasion of the gatherings of the imperialistic organizations all
over the world.

As noted by a number of speakers, these developments objectively create
a basis which brings many of these movements very close to those
countries which  demand a radical change in the distribution of the
world's wealth, which is concentrated in ever fewer countries and hands.

Many speakers have underlined the necessity to strength the fight and
the co-ordination against the privatization and the selling out of the
public sector to the multinationals.

The participants noted the need to co-operate and develop the solidarity
to the peoples and the countries that are in the main target of the
policy of the imperialistic «globalization»

As has been stressed, these processes show that there is considerable
opposition against the actions of imperialist organizations as well as a
demystification of the doctrine of «globalization». At the same time the
events prove the timeliness and necessity of socialism.

It was noted in general that an upsurge in resistance and struggle has
been observed, both against imperialist warfare, and against the global
offensive eroding  peoples' rights, against the spread of deadly
diseases that decimate entire populations, the   increase in
unemployment and the so-called flexible forms of employment, and against
class and national repression. The operation, presence and action of
police forces and military along with unpreceded policing measures, was
likewise noted.

There were also quite a few speakers who referred to the new
opportunities opened up by these demonstrations for the class forces in
the labour and the trade union movement and underscored the need for the
yet more active and co-ordinated participation of Communists in these.

One of the most important events, as was stressed, was the appearance in
1999 of strong popular protests and mobilizations set off by the war,
enforced by the imperialistic forces, against Yugoslavia. A wave of
opposition to NATO and its new doctrine appeared even more openly and
militantly, where it embraced a broad public. Participants agreed that
there is a need to develop even further the co-ordination and action of
Communists in the labour and trade union movement in order to face
imperialist interventions and to fight against changes in the borders of
the states in any way whatsoever.

A good number of speakers, moreover, noted the need to further reinforce
the struggle against the "National Missile Defense Shield" being
promoted by the USA, which will cause a fresh round of confrontations
and a new arms race.

Likewise the speakers stressed the particular importance of coordinating
the struggle of the trade union movements and to focus on capitalist
restructuring and the offensive against labour rights and gains, the
fight against the international monopolies and the onslaught against
working people, as well as the need to co-ordinate this struggle in all
the subsidiaries and branches of these companies situated in various
countries Quite a few participants spoke of the need to co-ordinate such
a struggle internationally and of the special contribution of the
Communists to it.

Many also spoke of the particularly difficult conditions prevailing in a
number of countries with a ban on political activity in public
enterprises and organizations as well as other limitations, persecution
and discrimination against Communist parties, Communists and generally
all who resist capitalist barbarity and imperialist intervention. There
was stressed the need to develop the struggle in order to stop the
assassinations and the prosecution of trade unionists and Communists as
well as for the release of the political prisoners.

Special mention was made of the just struggle of the Palestinian people
in the face of the aggressiveness and barbarity of the Israeli
government and the American imperialism in its fight to acquire its own
independent state with East Jerusalem its capital, for the withdrawal of
the Israelis from all the Arab territory occupied since 1967 and for the
return of all refugees. The need to strengthen solidarity with and
support for the Palestinian and Cypriot people was underscored.

During the meeting a moment of silence was observed in memory of the
heroic resistance of the Soviet Union to Nazi invaders during the Great
Patriotic War, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the aggression
of fascist Germany against the Soviet Union.

A large number of thoughts and proposals were put forward by many
speakers on issues related to the exchange of experience and the
development of coordination of action of the parties. There were a good
number of suggestions regarding the celebration on May Day in 2002 by
the working class worldwide, with particular emphasis placed on issues
of world peace under the general slogan that a stop must be put to any
thought of implementation of the US National Missile Defence (NMD).

Parties Participated
Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
Communist Party of Armenia
Communist Party of Australia
Democratic Trend, Bahrain
Communist Party of Belarus
Workers' Party of Belgium
Communist Party of Brazil
New Communist Party of Britain
Bulgarian Communist Party «Georgi Dimitrov»
Communist Party of Bulgaria
Marxist Platform of Bulgarian Socialist Party
Communist Party of Canada
Colombian Communist Party
 FARC-EP, Colombia
Communist Party of Cuba
Communist Party of Bohemia Moravia
Communist Party in Denmark
Communist Party of Egypt
Communist Party of Greece
Hungarian Workers' Party
Communist Party of India
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Tudeh Party of Iran
Iraqi Communist Party
Kurdistan Communist Party - Iraq
Communist Party of Israel
Party of the Communist Refounding, Italy
Party of the Italian Communists
Jordanian Communist Party
Workers' Party of Korea
Socialist Party of Latvia
Lebanese Communist Party
New Communist Party of the Netherlands
Communist Party of Norway
Portuguese Communist Party
Romanian Communist Party
Communist Party of Russian Federation
Communist Workers' Party of Russia
Union of Communist Parties - CPSU
Communist Party of Slovakia
Communist Party of Spain
United Left of Spain
Communist Party of People of Spain
Sudanese Communist Party
Syrian Communist Party
Syrian Communist Party
Party for Socialist Power (SIP) Communist Party, Turkey
The Party of Labour (EMEP), Turkey
Communist Party of Ukraine
Union of Communists of Ukraine
Communist Party, USA
Communist Party of Vietnam
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

                         Resolution on Palestine

We, the representatives of the communist and workers parties,
participating in the International Meeting at Athens during 22-24 June
2001, express our grave concern to the ongoing Israeli genocide against
the Palestinian people for the last ten months. The US the military,
political and economic backer of the State of Israel bears the major
responsibility for the defiant Israeli policy to the international law
and norms. The  Palestinian lands occupied by Israel during 1967 war,
are recognized by the UN and the International community as occupied
land. The Palestinian people are entitled to self - determination and
living in their independent and  sovereign state, and thus entitled to
resist occupation including the Israeli colonies established in the
Palestinian occupied land.

Israel is using its military might to suppress the Palestinian people
and entrench the expanding colonies in order to create demographic de
facto change, thus claiming sovereignty on the Israeli colonies.

The Israeli slaughter of the Palestinian people and the blockade of
Palestinian authority land is ongoing amid the paralysis of the
international community represented by the UN, which is not upholding
its responsibility to protect the Palestinian people due to the US pro-
Israeli stand and the EU inaction.

We appeal to all; members of the UN, the international  community and
the people of the world to support the Palestinian people rights for
international protection, withdrawal of Israeli forces, end of
occupation, the right of Palestinian people to return to their homeland,
and the establishment of sovereign independent state with its capital,

We hold the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Ariel Sharon, as responsible
for this ongoing massacre and previous massacres as in Sabra - Shatela
in 1982, and should be tried as a war criminal for crimes against

Signed by:
Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
Communist Party of Australia
Democratic Trend, Bahrain
Communist Party of Belarus
Workers' Party of Belgium
Communist Party of Brazil
New Communist Party of Britain
Bulgarian Communist Party «Georgi Dimitrov»
Communist Party of Bulgaria
Marxist Platform of Bulgarian Socialist Party
Communist Party of Canada
Colombian Communist Party
FARC-EP, Colombia
Communist Party of Cuba
Communist Party of Bohemia Moravia
Communist Party in Denmark
Communist Party of Egypt
Communist Party of Greece
Hungarian Workers' Party
Communist Party of India
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Tudeh Party of Iran
Iraqi Communist Party
Kurdistan Communist Party - Iraq
Communist Party of Israel
Party of the Communist Refounding, Italy
Party of the Italian Communists
Jordanian Communist Party
Workers' Party of Korea
Socialist Party of Latvia
Lebanese Communist Party
New Communist Party of the Nethrlands
Communist Party of Norway
Portuguese Communist Party
Romanian Communist Party
Communist Party of Russian Federation
Communist Workers' Party of Russia
Communist Party of Slovakia
Communist Party of Spain
United Left of Spain
Communist Party of People of Spain
Sudanese Communist Party
Syrian Communist Party
Syrian Communist Party
Party for Socialist Power (SIP) Communist Party, Turkey
The Party of Labour (EMEP), Turkey
Communist Party of Ukraine
Union of Communists of Ukraine
Communist Party, USA
Communist Party of Vietnam
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

              Resolution on Yugoslavia and on the release
                   from prison of Slobodan Milosevich

We, Communists from all continents of the planet, who met in the Athens
International Meeting on 22nd - 24th June 2001, decisively demand that
the Yugoslav government stop any further illegal persecutions, arrests
and exterminations of the progressive people of Yugoslavia.
The communists of the world demand the immediate release from prison of
Slobodan Milosevich and the revoking of all the fabricated and unfounded
accusation against him, who is a hero of the anti-imperialist struggle
and resistance against the aggressive policy and intervention of NATO.
The Communists of the world demand the abolition of the so-called "Court
of the Hague", which is a US affiliate and a tool for the persecution of
the leaders of the resistance movement against NATO and its attack on
It is the leaders and the generals of NATO member-countries that should
account for in an international court material for the aggressiveness in

Signed by:
Communist Party of Australia
Communist Party of Belarus
New Communist Party of Britain
Bulgarian Communist Party «Georgi Dimitrov»
Communist Party of Bulgaria
Marxist Platform of Bulgarian Socialist Party
Communist Party of Canada
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
Communist Party in Denmark
Communist Party of Greece
Hungarian Workers' Party
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Lebanese Communist Party
New Communist Party of the Netherlands
Communist Party of Norway
Romanian Communist Party
Communist Party of Russian Federation
Communist Workers' Party of Russia
Communist Party of Slovakia
Syrian Communist Party
Syrian Communist Party
Party for Socialist Power (SIP) Communist Party, Turkey
Communist Party of Ukraine
Union of Communists of Ukraine
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia


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