Title: FW: bbc website - and a warning! - a week BEFORE the event!

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Everyone knows that truism about the "first casualty of war" - don't they... ???
Yes, but did that ever prevent enough of us swallowing the lies all over again
much less ever even look like stopping any war!  A lesson only the mainstream
media moguls seem to have learnt - entirely to their clients', and their own,
cynical advantage.


From: Branka Josilo-Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: bbc website
Date: Fri, Jun 22, 2001, 3:19 pm

"Preparing the Serbian public to accept the extradition!
Same ol' methods, yet still noone is any the wiser...!!!"
(see below)

Thursday, 21 June, 2001, 15:00 GMT 16:00 UK
Kosovan mass graves shock Serbs

Milosevic has some ardent supporters but the mood is changing

By Nick Thorpe in Belgrade

New media reports have been published in Yugoslavia with alleged details of the mass transport of ethnic Albanians' corpses from Kosovo.

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