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In a message dated 02/07/01 00:38:05 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< >    Can anyone give me the low down on one the latest 
 > machinations directed against Milosevic and Serbia, i.e., this 
 > supposed  " recently unearthed mass grave"   ? My nerves can't 
 > also tolerate all these fabricated charges, so,  sometimes I 
 > completely ignore stories on the subject.
 > David O Q
 >  >>

Well David,

no need to read the papers b/c the pattern is already familiar.  Here are 
some things you should consider:

1) These "discoveries" came soon after Milosevic's lawyer had demanded that 
his client be released b/c in three months the Yugoslav and Serbian 
authorities weren't able to produce ANY evidence of corruption.

2) The potential press coverage of this FACT was buried under press reports 
of new discoveries of mass-graves, thus shifting the focus just as 
Milosevic's culpability was begining to be questioned both in Yugoslavia and 

3) We are told that dozens of bodies are being unearthed, yet so far the 
available, yet really limited, footage has shown very few marks of real 
mass-graves (i.e. bodies mangled together, many bones from different corpses 
tied together, huge pits with skulls and bones prominently jutting out) but 
some very vague images that really don't seem like anything if looked at 
closely - although its been proven that people will often see what they what 
they want to believe they should be seeing when shown an image - other than 
mud, rocks, and maybe, maybe some bones, of something...

4) Recently the BBC ran an article on how these gravesite finds may actually 
secure the ICTY's conviction, meaning that no concrete prior evidence existed 
to these finds.

5) The Republic of Serbia is under the full security control of DOS and the 
police and many of the security forces are wholly under the thumb of 
Djindjic.  Furthermore the border between Kosovo and the rest of Serbia has 
proven to be extremely porous and completely controlled by NATO, there is 
nothing, and I REPEAT, nothing, to prevent NATO and its loyalists from 
planting these bodies (if they are bodies). 

6) A likely scenario is that these aren't even bodies, or that they are 
bodies (of humans or animals?) reburied from other places to set Milosevic 
up.  Just recently a similar tactic was used in the Peruvian election to 
discredit Alan Garcia when suddenly bodies were found near an army base and 
attributed (without any proof) to Garcia's previous tenure as President.  
This was done to secure the victory of Alejandro Toledo, Washington's man in 
Peru.  The pattern is almost identical in both cases were bodies are 
discovered near sites controlled now by Washington's allies in order to 
forward Washington's interests and discredit its regional rivals.

7) You see it would be different if thousands of bodies were found, then 
maybe one could say there was a cover up...but so far it has been a dozens.  
Let's just say for a moment that these are all Albanian civilians and that 
they are all women and children (the first being very doubtfull as most of 
the bodies are apparently, according to Yugoslav news, those of men and the 
second patently false)...Why would Milosevic cover up a few dozen victims if 
he really personally directed the killing of 10,000 Albanian civilians (as 
the press now routinely states)?  You see it makes no sense for him to go out 
of his way, and potentially discredit himself in the process, in order to 
cover up a few crimes if so many were committed.  

8) Of course the stories of the one (unamed) lorry-driver talking about 
mountains of corpses piled on top of each other - which has accompanied the 
press reports - is: a) a classic attrocity story propaganda (unverifiable, 
designed to shock and to elicit outrage and moral revulsion at the object of 
demonization), b) a tool to perpetuate the myth that there are more from were 
these bodies came from (although in all probability this is the last we will 
hear of these bodies, as they served only as a justification to extradite 
Milosevic), and c) a means of giving new ammunition to proponents of the ICTY 
and appologists for NATO, seeing as all their other accusations have crumbled 
into dust and more and more people are becoming aware of this with each 
passing day.

9) There is no reason to believe anything the Western press corp and 
self-appointed "experts" in the Balkans says about anything in the region.

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