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Tuesday July 3, 6:03 PM

Milosevic "moral winner" over UN war crimes court:
BELGRADE, July 3 (AFP) - 
A lawyer for Slobodan Milosevic said the former
Yugoslav president had scored a moral victory over the
UN war crimes tribunal, where he appeared Tuesday
without legal representation to face charges of crimes
against humanity.

"He acted as a moral winner over these indictments and
it is clear he does not recognise this court," Veselin
Cerovic, one of the lawyers representing Milosevic
against domestic charges of corruption and abuse of
power, told AFP.

"This is the biggest political trial in the world,"
Cerovic said. He said Milosevic's decision to appear
before the judges without defence counsel was "a moral
rejection" of the UN court and its charges against

In his first, historic appearance before the tribunal
in The Hague, a defiant Milosevic said in English: "I
consider this tribunal false tribunal and indictments
false indictments. It is illegal, not being appointed
by the UN General Assembly, so I have no need to
appoint counsel."

"This trial's aim is to prove false justification for
the war crimes of NATO committed in Yugoslavia,"
insisted Milosevic, dressed in a sobre black suit and
a tie bearing the colours of the Yugoslav flag.

[Milosevic] refused to enter a plea or ask for an
ajournment to consider his position. And when
presiding judge Richard May asked if he wanted the
indictments against him read out, Milosevic retorted:
"That's your problem."

Serbian state television (RTS) and independent B92 TV
broadcast Milosevic's hearing live in Yugoslavia.

"Milosevic is (a part of) history and his issue will
be discussed for a long time," Cerovic said.

"With a single gesture (appearing alone) he denied
legitimacy to this farcical and fake process against
his opinion ... All that he said there is a philosophy
of his defence," Cerovic said.

Cerovic said Milosevic had been denied the right to
defend himself because Judge May stopped him making an
apparently prepared speech challenging the legitimacy
of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia (ICTY).

"Mr Milosevic this is not the time for speeches. As I
have said you will have a full opportunity in due
course," the British judge said before ajourning the
hearing until the week of August 27.

"(His) right to defence was denied. We should have
heard what he had to say," Cerovic said.

"The Milosevic issue itself is a clash of two
positions -- one to defend the sovereignty of one's
state and people and the other the force of NATO to
control this soverignty according to the rules of the
new world order," he added....

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