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Serbia's Prime Minister Eyes EU

By HANS GREIMEL, Associated Press Writer SALZBURG, Austria (AP) - Serbian
Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic primed his republic for possible European Union
 membership Monday, downplaying political turmoil in Yugoslavia and pledging
cooperation in international war crimes trials.Speaking on the sidelines of
the European Economic Summit, being held in Salzburg through Tuesday,
Djindjic said EU membership for Serbia might be achieved only through a
breakup with Montenegro, the junior partner in the Yugoslav federation.``I do
not love Yugoslavia so much ... that I can't stand the thought that it
doesn't exist,'' Djindjic said.Djindjic said Serbia, the larger of the two
remaining Yugoslav republics, would try to develop a concrete plan for EU
membership by 2004 and aim to launch accession talks within 10 years.Although
admitting that Yugoslavia might not be able to meet the EU's strict
membership rules any time soon, Djindjic said accepting Serbia was in the
EU's interest because it would contribute to stability and prosperity in
southeastern Europe, a region that has brought war, organized crime and waves
of refugees to Western Europe's doorstep.``It's more expensive to have us
outside than to have us inside,'' Djindjic said.Brushing off the collapse of
the Yugoslav federal government as no more important than a ``soccer game,''
Djindjic said the formation of a new Cabinet would do little to change the
country's overall landscape.Yugoslav Prime Minister Zoran Zizic and his
Montenegrin allies in the federal government resigned last week in protest of
former President Slobodan Milosevic's extradition to the U.N. war crimes
tribunal - an extradition arranged by Djindjic.Yugoslav President Vojislav
Kostunica  and other Serb pro-democracy leaders still are jockeying to form a
new Cabinet.Milosevic's handover brought pledges for $1.28 billion in aid
from the United States and other Western donors.Djindjic defended the
decision to turn over Milosevic, saying it was part of his government's
obligation to confront its past.Although Djindjic said Serbia would continue
to cooperate with international war crimes investigations, he balked at
whether Serb authorities would help apprehend Bosnian Serb wartime leader
Radovan Karadzic.``It's a problem for international forces,'' Djindjic said.
``Not all problems are our problems.''

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