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Wednesday July 4, 4:48 AM

Milosevic to stay on attack, lawyer says
THE HAGUE, July 3 (AFP) - 
Slobodan Milosevic will stay on the offensive in his
trial at the UN war crimes tribunal, lawyer Zdenko
Tomanovich predicted Tuesday.

"He's not going to defend himself, he's going to
attack," Tomanovich told reporters, adding that it was
therefore "not important" whether Milosevic was
represented before the International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

Milosevic, who faces life imprisonment if convicted,
"will not have a lawyer in further proceedings,"
Tomanovich said through an interpreter. 

Tomanovich, who stressed that he was neither the
defendant's spokesman nor his lawyer, said that at
Tuesday's initial appearance, the defiant ex-president
"was not defending himself, he was attacking the

The fallen strongman [TM courtesy of NWO, Inc.],
appearing before the ICTY to answer charges over his
role in the 1998-99 Serbian crackdown on ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo, waived his right to counsel,
rejected the charges against him and branded the
tribunal "illegal".

Presiding Judge Richard May prevented the defendant --
the first former head of state to face the tribunal --
from elaborating on his assertions by cutting off the
sound on two occasions, a prerogative allowed under
tribunal rules.

Tomanovich said Milosevic was aware that his
microphone could be disabled during the hearing, and
had expected it.

The Belgrade lawyer also said that Milosevic refused,
after the 10-minute hearing, to speak to chief
prosecutor Carla Del Ponte in a meeting that normally
follows an initial court appearance.

"He didn't want to meet a person with whom he didn't
want to talk and whom he didn't want to see,"
Tomanovich said.

Del Ponte's spokeswoman Florence Hartman earlier told
AFP that the two had spoken during their brief
meeting. [You mean Del Ponte lied?]

The high-profile defendant's refusal to appoint a
lawyer prompted fears that the tribunal would be
unable to ensure a fair trial, with deputy chief
prosecutor Graham Blewitt saying the former president
had the right to "the best legal defence in the

"We would like to see him totally defended so that at
the end of the process, whatever the verdict is, the
international community can have confidence in the
process," Blewitt said.

Tribunal spokesman Christian Cartier said the court
might deem it necessary to appoint a lawyer to defend
Milosevic, should his defense seem "diminished" over
the course of a trial that is expected to last some
two years. [You're going to have a lawyer whether you
want one or not. What do you think this is, an


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