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The Guardian (Australia)
Wednesday, July 4th, 2001.

Yugoslavia: Treason, blackmail, gangsterism

Treason, blackmail, kidnapping and gangsterism are the
only fitting words to describe the actions of the
Federal Government of Yugoslavia in the kidnapping of
Milosevic which involved a British military plane and
bribery by the European Union and the US.
The operation was marked by the disregard of a ruling
by the High Court of Yugoslavia that suspended the
Governmentís decree authorising the extradition of
Milosevic and others.
The Government in effect tore up the Yugoslav
Constitution which specifically rules out the
extradition of Yugoslav citizens to other countries.
It then, together with British and American
authorities, organised the spiriting away of Slobodan
Milosevic from his Belgrade prison in a bread delivery
van. He was delivered to an American base from where
he was flown to The Hague in a British military plane.
All this was associated with the billion dollar bribe
of the Yugoslav Government by the European Union and
the US.
Milosevic is now to be arraigned before NATOís
kangaroo court in The Hague.
Belgrade is in turmoil following the illegal
extradition of Milosevic. Even before Mr. Milosevic
was secretly taken from his prison, huge Belgrade
crowds reacted angrily to the news that the Yugoslav
Government cabinet had issued a decree "authorising"
the extradition of Milosevic and other Yugoslav
citizens to NATO's so-called War Crimes Tribunal.
Between 100,000 to 200,000 people rallied and marched
in Republic Square in Belgrade.
Speakers were saying this is treason to the Serbian
nation. The Constitution is the highest legal
obligation of any state and by breaking the
Constitution one betrays the nation. They are saying
that all Serbian people and others loyal to Yugoslavia
must unite and take back their government and throw
out those who have betrayed the nation to Washington,
which dangles false bribes to humiliate the Serbian
people, says an urgent message from Jared Israel
(journalist of Emperor's Clothes) who was on the phone
to Belgrade as the rally went on.
At the rally people were speaking with one voice. They
said: Abolish the decree! Serbian and Yugoslav
governments should resign!
Nobody should be extradited to The Hague! Those who
adopted this illegal decree should be criminally
charged! There must be general elections on all levels
because the government has committed treason and lied
and therefore nobody any longer supports them.
The President of Yugoslavia, Vojislav Kostunica
claimed that he had found out about the transportation
of Mr Milosevic from the media [sic] and that his
deportation was illegal.
International reaction:
International reaction to the events in Belgrade was
swift and furious. Despite attempts of western media
outlets to present the case as a just and
well-deserved outcome, alternative voices hit the
Internet to express their views. Demonstrations were
organised and petitions and protests sent to  Yugoslav
Momir Bulatovic, President of the Socialist People's
Party (SNP) of Montenegro, a major party in the ruling
coalition, announced that the Prime Minister and six
Ministers would quit the federal government in
The SNP Vice President, Mr Jovanovic, told the media
that the Serbian Government's decision to hand over
Milosevic in defiance of the Federal Constitutional
Courtís ruling amounted to a coup.
"What happened is that Djindjic suspended the
constitutional system of Yugoslavia. Djindjic
introduced dictatorship, and the responsibility for
that lies on him and all others who did nothing to
prevent this."
As another official of the Yugoslav Socialist Party
said at the Belgrade rally: "The masks have fallen
from the Serbian traitors, especially [Serbian Prime
Minister] Djindjic".
Fidel Castro declared that "the sending of Milosevic
over there (to The Hague) is illegal, it does not
correspond with international laws". He said that it
was "madness to concede the right of extra-territorial
action for their penal laws and judicial authorities
to NATO and the powerful nations."
Eighty Greek parliamentary deputies from all political
parties signed a protest to be delivered to the
embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in
Athens expressing their opposition to the extradition.
The Portuguese Communist Party points out in their
protest that "such an action, which on all counts is
illegal and illegitimate, can only contribute to
worsen the situation in Yugoslavia and dangerously
destabilise the whole Balkan region. The offensive of
the KLA bands in Macedonia, under the cover and
support of  US and KFOR forces, can lead to a tragedy
of huge proportions."
Christians Against NATO Aggression, a UK ecumenical
group comprising Orthodox, Pentecostals, Evangelicals,
Unitarians, Quakers, Roman Catholics, Baptists,
Brethren, Anglicans, etc, sharing a common view on the
responsibility of NATO leaders for war crimes, is
planning to visit the British Ministry of Defence to
ask for the names of the pilots and air crew of the
aircraft involved in transporting Mr. Milosevic so
that their names can be included in an indictment
which will be lodged at the Crown Court on the charge
of kidnapping.
Dmitry Rogozin, head of Russia's International Affairs
Committee of the Duma said: "Transferring Milosevic to
The Hague in fact means that NATO has at last received
a cover for its aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999.
They got what they wanted. The blackmail worked in
full. This will inevitably lead to a crisis in
Sara Flounders, National Co-Director of the US
International Action Center condemned the US-forced
deportation as ìillegal.
The objective of this step is not just, or even
primarily, Milosevic himself. The deportation of
Milosevic is another element aimed at terminating
Yugoslaviaís sovereignty once and for all.
For more than a decade the US and NATO used war,
blockades, sanctions and other means to re-balkanize
the Balkans. Today, as a result, US military bases
dominate the region - in Croatia, Bosnia, Albania,
Hungary, Macedonia, Kosovo (Serbia) - where there were
none 10 years ago. Yugoslavia's real crime was that it
resisted this re-colonisation process.
The deportation was an enormous tragedy for Yugoslavia
and the rule of law, said former US Attorney General
Ramsey Clark.
The Cambridge Campaign for Peace (CamPeace) stated in
their letter to President Kostunica: We are not
supporters of Milosevic, but we are supporters of a
better world in which the law will be adhered
to,instead of a world dominated by international

CPA  [Communist Party of Australia] protest

A message sent by CPA General Secretary Peter Symon to
the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
in Canberra before the kidnapping of Slobadan
Milosevic said: "It is outrageous that the same people
who directed the bombing of your country and brought
so much suffering and destruction are now trying to
buy your government with the promise of loans if you
obey their orders.
"No sovereign country ever tried to sell their former
leaders in such a servile way ... It is a course that
will bring disgust and condemnation for decades into
the future, just as the names of Judas and Quisling,
having passed into the language, represent the
ultimate in servility and betrayal."

Dissolve Hague Court:

The newspaper of the German Communist Party, Neue
Einheit, calls for the abolition of the so-called, War
Crimes Tribunal. The paper says that "by its whole
practice it covers NATO's war against Yugoslavia, a
war by several large nations against a small nation,
using massive force of arms and bombings ...This
tribunal does not prosecute all the war criminals of
the Bosnian war, but very purposefully, only certain
persons are picked out to fit into the political
concept of justifying NATO's aggression against
Yugoslavia. The NATO tribunal of The Hague which is
actually a fraud, must be dissolved."

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