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[As NATO Gauleiter and all-purpose Proconsul Lord
Robertson is busily reconstructing Europe to resemble
1941's version, he pontificates that inhabitants of
Bosnia should quit "living in the past."
And that this demon dare lecture anyone else
concerning "ethnic division and lasting animosity"
when he emanates from the nation that has recently
given the world Bradford, Belfast, Burnley and Oldham
demonstrates the depth of imperial hypocrisy that
characterizes the NATO empire.
But note that NATO's puppet collaborationists in
Belgrade are already being primed for NATO membership:
They will be granted the honor of participating in the
next attack on a 'belligerent' country.]

NATO Tells Bosnia to Stop Living in the Past
July 13, 2001 3:10 pm EST 
By Philippa Fletcher
SARAJEVO (Reuters) - NATO Secretary-General George
Robertson said on Friday that Bosnia risked
international isolation and a "return to chaos" if it
did not work harder to overcome ethnic divisions.
"The future of this country is in the hands of the
people but there are too many people living in the
past and they hinder the development of Bosnia and
Herzegovina as a state and they perpetuate ethnic
division and lasting animosity," Robertson told a news
conference at the end of a two-day visit.
Torn apart by war after it declared independence from
Yugoslavia in 1992, Bosnia was divided into two
autonomous entities -- a Muslim-Croat federation and a
Serb republic -- by the U.S. brokered peace accord
that ended the conflict in 1995.
International peace officials have sought to
strengthen central institutions to create a viable
state and allow NATO-led peacekeepers to withdraw, but
nationalists continue to cling to the idea of three
separate armies, governments and police.Robertson said
leaders of all three groups should take on the
responsibility for their country's future.
"The consequence of doing nothing will be isolation
and a return to chaos and Bosnia and Herzegovina will
end up being an ethnically splintered backwater in a
Europe of prosperity and stability," he said.
If Bosnia was not careful, neighbors such as
Yugoslavia, an international pariah until Slobodan
Milosevic was ousted last year, could take the lead in
the race to join NATO and other international
"In Yugoslavia they have one army, they have political
control of the military, they have a ministry of
defense, these are crucial preconditions for
Partnership for Peace," he said.
Bosnia's joint Muslim-Serb-Croat presidency had told
him and the NATO ambassadors accompanying him that
they wanted to join the Alliance's Partnership for
Peace program, while Yugoslavia had not formally
applied yet, Robertson said.
"It would be an amazing irony if Yugoslavia made an
application for Partnership for Peace and was able to
qualify before Bosnia and Herzegovina," he said.
Robertson said war crimes suspects like wartime
Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his military
commander Ratko Mladic would be better off giving
themselves up to the U.N. tribunal in the Hague, which
indicted the two men for genocide in 1995.
Milosevic's handover to the tribunal last month has
increased pressure on leaders of Bosnia's Serb
republic, where tribunal prosecutors believe more than
half of some 40 indictees are hiding, including
Karadzic and Mladic.
"There is no safe haven any more and there is no
statute of limitations either. The net is closing in
on all of them and they would be much safer with the
justice of the Hague than with the rough justice of
the Balkans," Robertson said.
Asked why Karadzic had not been arrested yet, he said
the NATO-led Stabilization Force in Bosnia did not
know where he was.
"If we knew where he was, he would be arrested. SFOR's
responsibility lies in Bosnia and Herzegovina under
the Dayton peace agreement. If we have reliable
knowledge that Radovan Karadzic is in Bosnia and
Herzegovina then he will be arrested, make no mistake
about that." 

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