--- Dennis Tester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "1) Thank goodness we don't elect Republican mayors"
> You must not be from around here (like most people
> on this forum it seems). 
> The first mayor I recall was George Vavoulous,
> republican small bidness 
> owner.  And I'll bet over the past 30 years there
> have been as many or more 
> republican mayors here than democrats. 

Here's what I have from almost the last 40 years.
These are the administrations following Vavoulous.
1966 - 1970 Thomas R. Byrne-DFL
1970 - 1974 Charles P. McCarty-???
1974 - 1976 Lawrence D. Cohen-???
1976 - 1990 George Latimer-DFL
1990 - 1994 James Scheibel-DFL
1994 - 2002 Norm Coleman-DFL/GOP
2002 - Randy Kelly-DFL

Even if the unknowns are GOPers, they're still coming
up short.

>It seems tome that in the 70's the 
> whole state was pretty republican.
It depends on when in the 70's. The massacre of 1978
led to 1979 being a Republican dominant year in the
state. Of course that was a backlash from DFL Governor
Wendell Anderson stepping down from his office and
having his LT, now governor appoint him US Senator.
That US Senate seat was open becuase DFL Senator
Mondale was now VP.

For most of the 70's the Democrats had a super
majority in the state House of Representatives (with a
Speaker by the name of Martin Sabo for a time). I
beleive Roger Moe was a 25 year old newcomer and the
Senate was led by St Paul DFLer Nick Coleman (yep,
Chris's father). A St Paul DFLer native named Wendell
Anderson was governor, our US Senators were two DFLers
named Mondale and Humphrey. Aside from the 3rd and 1st
Congressional Districts, all of our members of
congress were DFLers and 1972 was the last time this
state voted for a Republican President.  

DFLer Joan Growe became the Secretary of State, St
Paul DFLer Bob Mattson was the State Auditor, DFLer
Jim Lord was elected treasurer, and the Attorney
General was DFLer that I can't recall. 

Dennis, you have to tell me where you were living in
70's. This was the Minnesota Miracle state and it was
ran by DFLers.

Even Republican House Speaker Steve Sviggum was a
DFLer back in the 70s.

Eric Mitchell- Just a toddler during the good ol' days
payne phalen

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