Everyone knows that St Paul city officials should be using the tools at
their disposal to help big developers get bigger, to more fully enable
them to experience the American Dream - getting so big they can tell the
public (us) to be damned.

Otherwise known as

1) Freebooter Enterprise - plundering pirates & barbarian buccaneers

2) Freefire Zone Enterprise - where anything in sight (eg our city, our
resources, due procedures) can be indiscriminately shot or bombed, for

3) Freeloading Enterprise - welfare for the rich, via TIF and eminent
domain and backroom deals. Not available for poor people, who must "get a
job" working at peon wages to make the freeloaders' load even larger.

4) Freefall Enterprise - our plummeting economy as a result of 1) and 2)
and 3); left by them to rot as they ship their free-enter prizes to safe
houses in exurbia.

We have had several examples in StPaul over the past several years. GSE,
Lawson Software, Ayd Mill Road, airport dike. In Roseville, Twin Lakes
boondoggle if we don't stop them.

Follow the money. Hold your nose.

-David Shove

On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, James Lockwood wrote:

> I am dismayed that some people think city officials
> should not be using tools at their disposal to guide
> and shape design and development, especially on
> commercial corridors.
> Well-managed and planned development plays directly
> into public safety -- i.e., design that invites feet
> on the street and encourages neighborhood interaction
> reduces crime, increase property value and makes more
> likely the area will be sustained. More importantly,
> good design and development increases ownership of the
> area by those who use it; bad design only creates
> disdain and disengagement. Aesthetics do play a part
> in utilitarian value.
> Any city council member who thinks that the city,
> which is intimately involved in the life cycle of the
> neighborhoods, has no place in guiding design and
> development -- and acquiesces that responsibility to
> out-of-town developers -- they don't deserve to be in
> city government at all.
> James Lockwood
> Payne Phalen
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