The idea that gambling is a good idea for state funding of legislative
priorities is one of the few subjects you will ever find Democrats and the
leader of the taxpayer's league in agreement on. Both groups agree it is a
bad idea. Gambling costs a community more then it brings in. Several
newspaper polls show the majority of Minnesotans want a reasonable tax
increase to fund priority issues such as education and transportation.
We do not have to raise most taxes just roll back the inequitable tax breaks
this administration has given away.
The irony of those who claim to be in step with conservatives of the world
is that they would then choose gambling as a way to finance the budget
shortfall they created by incredibly poor financial mismanagement. This is a
morally bankrupt approach. In a time when the the bankruptcy laws have been
made almost impossible for the average person to use they want to make it
easier for some to bankrupt themselves chasing a fantasy of easy money. The
families of gambling addicts suffer enough without increasing the number of
venues that will help feed these poor peoples addictions. 
Citizens must not be allowed to shuffle the cost of government onto the
backs of a few. Taxes are our investment in each other and we must all pay a
fair share. The rich and business are getting way to many breaks and this
trend must be reversed.
If the Governor and legislators were going to make a no new taxes pledge
then they should have made better decisions about the tax give away they did
which created the budget shortfall we continue to suffer through. Minnesota
needs to repeal bad tax breaks not create bad policy by approving state
sponsored gambling.

Brian Joyce
West Side

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Bock, Mary K.
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 10:06 PM
Subject: [StPaul] casino proposal

I am a journalism student at the University of St. Thomas and I will be
doing a piece on the Gov. Pawlenty's casino expansion legislation.
I am interested to know what Minnesota residents think about the proposal.
I have posted a few questions below and would appreciate any feedback and/or
Pawlenty's budget depends on $200 million in the next 2 years from casino
revenue.  Is this feasible? 
Is it the proper function of government to be running or profiting from
The democrats budget would rely on almost $900 in tax increases.  Which
budget proposal do you think Minnesota residents would prefer--this or
A 2-casino proposal for Canterbury Park in Shakopee was just passed by the
Jobs and Economic Opportunity Committee.  Will this pass the House and
Senate during the current legislative session?  Why or why not?
Pawlenty predicts positive economic effects to result from casino expansion,
however, nothing has been mentioned about the social effects of having
metro-area casinos.  Are the social effects of gambling and casinos
something to consider in this proposal?  Why/why not?
What would be the benefits/disadvantages of putting a casino in the Mall of
Overall, what is your opinion about state-sponsored casinos and gambling
expansion in Minnesota?
Thank you in advance,
Kate Bock
University of St. Thomas
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