
            My name is Yangmin Zhu. I'm from china and now a 2nd year
master student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. After few days
investigating the projects available in Google Summer of Code 2014, I find
strace which I used a lot in my undergraduate graduation design. I wish to
participate GSoC 2014 of the strace project.

I ever implemented a small tool to intercept(by using LD_PRELOAD method) a
program's syscall (read()/write()/dup() and etc.) and pass it to a remote
host(yes, another server program is running at that remote host and
listening on a port specified by the user). By using this tool, user can
cheat a program and let it read/write a remote file transparently without
modifying the program itself. In order to find how does the binary program
make the syscall, I searched and find strace. It's a great tool and helped
me a lot in analyzing these target program's syscall.

            I'm good at C, system programming and familiar with the linux
syscall. For now, I had subscribed the mailing list, checked the idea list
and started to explore the codebase to get familiar with the existing code.
I am interested about the "Advanced and improved absolute paths decoding".
Before submitting my final proposal I think it's important to communicate
with the developers/mentors and I will try my best to demonstrate my


Yangmin Zhu
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