On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 11:24 AM, Animesh Kashyap
<annimesh2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 12:20 AM, Eugene Syromyatnikov <evg...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Well, strace itself does not utilise bug tracker of any sort; bugs and
>> suggestions usually reported via this mailing list (like suggestion
>> [1], reported recently). You can try to have a look at lists of bugs
>> related to strace packages in various distributions (like [2] or [3]),
>> but these are mostly loosely related since they are reported against
>> old versions and most of them are ususally reported upstream and fixed
>> or get stale.
> Hello,
> I read the resources provided and am reading the mailing list. I have
> successfully cloned and built strace. There are two projects specified
> on the wiki page :
> "https://sourceforge.net/p/strace/wiki/GoogleSummerOfCode2017/"; :
Well, it's not projects in term "GSoC project ideas" (which are
provided under "List of project ideas for students"), it's more like
some potential areas which still need improvement and do not require
much involment in order to tackle them, so they are deemed as a good
place to start.

> 1) Adding tests for better coverage
> 2) Adding new classes for -e trace=class.
Yes, that's correct.

> Should I start working on one of these or is there some other small
> feature that does not require much knowledge of internals of strace
> that I should work on?
I think I already mentioned [1], it requires some other knowledge
(regarding ANSI terminals and terminfo/termcap, mostly), however.
Overall, there is also vast field of work regarding support of various
ioctl() calls, but it is difficult to recommend since it already
requires some understanding of strace and kernel inner workings in
order to be done right (from my point of view).

[1] https://sourceforge.net/p/strace/mailman/message/35650550/

Eugene Syromyatnikov

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