Rahn Emanual spoke to Blago about a replacement for Obama in the US  

Is anyone surprised that Obama would want to influence the choice of  
his successor? Does anyone think it inappropriate for him to state  
who would best fill the role he was elected to perform on behalf of  
his Illinois constituents? Or that he would send his designated chief  
of staff, Rahm Emanual, to deliver that message? Or to forcefully  
argue Obama's position on the matter?

Why the f*ck is the MSM hanging this Albatros on Obama's neck at this  

Why the f*ck are the fomenting disgust in the likes of richardsan  
over religion?

The man -- our president-elect -- faces some very, very tough issues  
to face. rather than gnashing at his heels, they should help us  
understand the difficulty we face -- and the difficulties he faces --  
as we move forward.

With the exception of AGW, I don't know what the f*ck to do. I hope  
he does and I'll give him all the room and all the prayers he'll  
need, and he'll need lots of both.

Do you hear that, richardsan? Let your ideological opposites pull for  
the guy, too. Do you know what you have to let slide for that to happen?

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