Or we could think of the frameworks by Java version:  Stripes is Java 
1.5+ and Struts 2 is < Java 1.5. 

There is a reason for that.  Struts 2 comes from Webwork but do you KNOW 
what Webwork is?  It is originally a 2002 fork of Struts v1.X. Even 
though Webwork made it to a v2 before being absorbed by Struts as their 
2.0 release, it is still stuck in a pre-Java-1.5 world.  That design, 
set of coding styles, and reliance on a multitude of XML files slows it 
down and bloats the code base.  Don't believe me?  I learned that detail 
back when I was a very helpful little elf on the Struts-user list and 
read the many discussions over what was wanted in a potential Struts 2.0 
incarnation. This infoq article snippet sums it up nicely:

"The WebWork project was started as a Struts revolution - as a fork of 
the Struts code to introduce new ideas, concepts and functionality that 
may not be compatible with the original Struts code - and it was first 
released in March 2002." quoted courtesy of 

Those features and concepts are SO, like, old. Yes, I know that makes me 
temporarily sound like an 80's valley-girl wanna-be. *shrug*  It also 
explains some of the reported S2 scaling issues plus its huge reliance 
on xml files.

Hell, maybe I just like simplicity.  Did you know the Struts blank 
application has 3 core Struts jars weighing in at nearly 2.9 Mb while 
Stripes has one core jar which weighs in at <500 Kb?  Don't get me 
started on all of those supplementary Struts 2 jars you can keep adding 
and adding.  The modern style coding in Stripes is probably why I am a 
Google Guice(r) and not a Spring(er) where DI is concerned.

For what it is worth I only miss the client side Javascript validation 
from commons-validator which Struts 1 used.  However, I thought I might 
have seen something like that in the new Stripes book when I skimmed it 
after buying/downloading it in the last few days.


Toni Lyytikäinen wrote:
> Having tried both, I think Struts 2 is nowhere near the quality of
> Stripes. The whole concept of building on top of a framework
> originating from the early 2000's (WebWork) makes it feel quite dated
> already - things like annotations seem like an afterthought at best.
> Also, Struts 2 has lots of external dependencies like XWork, OGNL,
> etc. A bug in those will affect the whole framework, and there sure
> seem to be lots of bugs in XWork. Performance isn't a strong point of
> Struts 2 either: it seems to give about 1/3 of the performance of
> Stripes. YMMV of course, but it's a good idea to look into this too if
> you are building a site that will face heavy traffic.

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