On 17-12-2008 at 22:17, Nathan Maves wrote:
> is there a such thing?
> is freddy book there is an example of using a SimpleMessage to display
> to the user...
> public Resolution delete() {
>   Contact deleted = contactDao.read(contactId);
>   contactDao.delete(contactId);
>   getContext().getMessages().add(
>     new SimpleMessage("Deleted {0}.", deleted)
>   );
>   return new RedirectResolution(getClass());
> }
> I am looking for a clean way to keep this message, which is in my
> stripes resources files, near the other messages/errors for this
> action bean.
> I was hoping that
> http://stripes.sourceforge.net/docs/current/javadoc/net/sourceforge/stripes/validation/ScopedLocalizableError.html
> had a brother :)

ScopedLocalizableError has an extra scope that allows Stripes to search for
general error messages (as opposed to ActionBean or field specific ones).

For messages, this is not needed: they are always created by the programmer
(not Stripes) and thus the message key is always fully known.

In your situation, LocalizableMessage is probably sufficient.


   ,-_  Oscar Westra van holthe - Kind      http://www.xs4all.nl/~kindop/
  /() )
 (__ (  Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things.
=/  ()  -- Robert Heinlein

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