I posted a this question a couple of months ago
(http://www.nabble.com/welcome-file-not-working-to21096927.html), and
I need to resolve it. I  sort of got what I wanted working by putting
the redirect code in an action "index.lb"  but now I need to make some
javadoc available under that context, so I need index.html to be a
valid welcome-file as well. It will not work. Period. If I access a
URL like "http://mydom.com/somedirwithanindexdothtml/";, I get a 404.
If I access "http://mydom.com/somedirwithanindexdothtml/index.html";, I
get the page. Tomcat is serving the files properly, but something is
interfering with the welcome file list. If I add *anything* other than
what is mapped by extension to my stripes actions, it does not get
interpreted as a welcome file.

I have in my web.xml

        <filter-name>Charset Filter</filter-name>

        <display-name>Stripes Filter</display-name>

        <description>Dynamically maps URLs to ActionBeans.</description>
        <display-name>Stripes Dynamic Mapping Filter</display-name>

        <filter-name>Charset Filter</filter-name>








(The CharsetFilter is just to force the response to UTF-8 because of
some problems Tomcat had displaying extended characters).

What do I have to do to configure Stripes to allow it to process
"welcome files" other than what is mapped to a stripes action? I can't
use jsp, htm, html etc. The index.lb was a hack to get an index
working, because I have all my other actions using the "clean urls"
with no extensions, and index.jsp wasn't working.

Please help! I'm running Stripes 1.5 on Tomcat 6.0.18.


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