Indeed, it is the total size of the request data, including all
uploaded files, request parameters, request headers. This is a
limitation of the HTTP specification. Before processing a request, the
only information that’s available is the total size of the request


- I think the Stripes documentation (the wiki) answers this pretty
- clearly - the limit is on the overall size of the POST.
- On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 7:43 AM, Mike McNally <emmecin...@...-
- - That limit - 10MB? - on file uploads (and I know it's
- - configurable).
- - Is that limit imposed on a per-parameter (i.e., per-file) basis or
- - does it cover the whole HTTP request?
- -
- - Consider something like the image uploader forms that photo
- - printer websites provide. You can upload 5 or 10 image files at a
- - time.  Would the Stripes limit be applied to the overall request
- - when the "submit" button is clicked?
- -
- - --
- - Turtle, turtle, on the ground,
- - Pink and shiny, turn around.
- -

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