I have a tiered set of model objects:

Restaurants have one ore more Menus that have one or more Items.

I've expressed the Restaurant to Menu relationship as follows:

public class Restaurant extends ModelBase {
 private List<Menu> menus;

<at>Table (
public class Menu extends ModelBase {
 private Restaurant restaurant;
        private String name;

I'm curious about a couple of issues:

1.  I want to make sure that when a menu is created *for a restaurant*, not
more than one menu *with the same name *can be created for that restaurant.
 Is controlling this with the <at>UniqueContraint the right way to go?

2.  Do I need to create a Restaurant object *in* the Menu?  What I want to
ensure is that when a menu is created for a restaurant, I have a way of
knowing which menu was created for which restaurant.  Should I just have an
"int restaurantId" parameter in place of the Restaurant object?  If so, how
do I ensure the constraint in point #1 holds true?
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