I am running into a few issues with clean URLs. I am using Stripes 1.5.2 
and Tomcat 6.0.26.

I am attempting to use clean URLs with parameters that represent a file 


binding = "/action/test/{path}"
parameter = "String path = tmp/test.txt"

I am using the stripes:link tag to generate the link on a JSP page using 
the path variable.  I am currently running into two issues.

Firstly, the link generated is escaped, escaping the '/'. This results 
in a link of http://localhost:8080/test/action/test/tmp%2Ftest.txt. When 
clicked on, Tomcat returns a error 400 (Bad Request).  The request does 
not even make it through to Stripes.

Secondly, if the parameter includes a special char, i.e. a space.


parameter = "String path = test file.txt"

the link is encoded, which gives 
http://localhost:8080/test/action/test/test+file.txt. However the 
parameter is not decoded, so in my action bean, the path variable is 
"test+file.txt" instead of "test file.txt".

Thanks in advance for any help.


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