Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind vient de nous annoncer :
> On 24-09-2009 at 16:45, Lionel wrote:
>> Hi all !
>> I would like to set the user locale as a thread local variable from an 
>> interceptor (based on the user account) and get this value from a custom 
>> LocalePicker.
>> But it seems that the LocalePicker.getLocale() is called before 
>> interceptors.
>> Is there some way to configurer the execution order to have muy interceptor 
>> called before the LocalePicker ?
> No. But you can do the following:
> 1. Create a custom ActionBeanContext that retreives the user account
>    information based on either request.getUserPrincipal(), other request
>    data, or the session. Put your variable in a request attribute.
>    Configure the StripesFilter to use this class directly or put it in an
>    extension package.
> 2. Create a custom LocalePicker (subclass the DefaultLocalePicker for
>    example). It get's the request, so you can access your variable to
>    determine the locale to use.
>    Configuration is analogous to point 1.
> Oscar

Late answer, but I faced the same issue with a new application.
The Locale is in dabatabse on the user, but I can't load the user as 
Stripersist is not initialized yet when MyLocalePicker is called...

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