Hi all,

   I enjoy Stripes in my personal time.  Unfortunately, at the office we're
using Grails.  I'm wondering if any of you have thought about or implemented
a grails-type plugin solution in your dev environments?

   There are a few things I enjoy about Grails and one of them is their
plugin strategy.  It can be messy at times but I feel we've leveraged it
well and it's become pretty valuable.   An example might be something
off-the-shelf like an Acegi authentication plugin.  It can be "installed"
through maven, and it's controllers, configuration and WEB-INF resources are
merged into the main application.

   But I suppose the real benefit is if you're in charge of five or six
applications in different repositories and want to share more than just
taglibs.  For instance, we have a system that consumes events from running
applications and makes decisions to notify people of said events.   We've
built a plugin that provides beans to create such events, controllers to act
as an interface to the queued data, and controllers that provide views to
allow humans to inspect the app directly complete with images, css and
javascript.  It appears as a complete application structure:
controllers/views/jars/assests, etc.

   Any person creating a new webapp merely adds event-monitoring-plugin in
their pom and now they've met the corporate web interface for monitoring and
reporting.  Occasionally the plugin is upgraded and we can simply change the
value in the pom and rebuild the application.  I'm feeling like if we were
doing this is stripes I would be copying these resources into every
application and they would live within that applications resources.

   I suppose I could do something at build time where I unzip a package
over-top of main application code which adds controllers and adds resources
to WEB-INF.  Maybe I could also make it smart enough to modify the
ActionResolver.Packages list.   Or, maybe I just need to think about this
differently altogether!

   What kinds of processes/solutions do you use when wanting to share this
kind of code?

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