On Thu, Jun 16, 2011, nicolas wrote:

> Any others sources by any chance ?

You can use an interceptor for this as described in chapter 14 of "Stripes:
...and Java Web Development Is Fun Again". The source code of the book also
contains a complete example:


But before you can create the example WAR file, you have to fix two syntax
errors in the LoginInterceptor class. Please see the attached patch for this.

On a Linux-based system, the steps below will create a deployable WAR file:

$ wget 'http://media.pragprog.com/titles/fdstr/code/fdstr-code.tgz'
$ tar -zxvf fdstr-code.tgz
$ patch -p0 < LoginInterceptor.java.patch 
$ cd code/email_34/
$ ant
$ ls dist/email_34.war 

And don't forget to start the HSQLDB server:

$ java -cp ../lib/hsqldb/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 file:webmail 
-dbname.0 webmail &


--- code-original/email_34/src/stripesbook/ext/LoginInterceptor.java
+++ code/email_34/src/stripesbook/ext/LoginInterceptor.java
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@
         Class<? extends ActionBean> cls = actionBean.getClass();
         if (ctx.getUser() == null && !ALLOW.contains(cls)) {
- /*
-            resolution = new RedirectResolution(LoginActionBean.class)
+            resolution = new RedirectResolution(LoginActionBean.class);
             resolution = new RedirectResolution(LoginActionBean.class);
             if (ctx.getRequest().getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) {
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