On 2014-07-11 22:28, Mike McNally wrote:
> I'm noticing that I can't set HTTP response headers from code that's 
> in a <layout-defiinition> when it's invoked. Debugging a little (I 
> wrote a little tag class to experiment) I note that I can successfully 
> call "setHeader" or "setContentType", but they have no apparent 
> effect; immediately calling "getContentType" on the Response object 
> returns a different string than passed to "setContentType".
> When that code runs, it's using a wrapped version of the 
> ServletResponse. From outside the context of a Stripes layout, that 
> test tag works just fine.
> Is this a situation that I should expect? Is there any way around 
> that? I need to set the content type inside a layout because that's 
> where the need for it is determined (it's deciding between JSON and HTML).

Rewrite your code so you decide the content type in your ActionBean. In 
the MVC model the view (resolution) should only display your model, the 
controller (actionbean) should decide which view to use.

For JSON I usually return a Resolution like:

   new StreamingResolution("application/json", new 


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