Supporting Apache Shiro (which I highly recommend; it’s really good) in any 
Stripes app is pretty easy:

You can then e.g. have your own Interceptor or actionbean superclass which does 
Subject.login() based on e.g. OAuth headers or cookies or whatever you fancy.  
We use something like this:

    public void resolveAccessToken()
        String bearer = getContext().getRequest().getHeader( "Authorization" );
        String at     = getContext().getRequest().getParameter("access_token");

        if( bearer != null )
            at = bearer.substring( AUTH_BEARER.length() ).trim();
        /* some validation omitted due to brevity */

        if( at != null )
                AccessToken token = new AccessToken(at);

                SecurityUtils.getSubject().login( token );                
            catch( Exception e )
                /* some code here */


On 3 Mar 2015, at 00:35, Nestor Hernandez <> wrote:

> One option could be Standard Servlet security offers Basic auth, SSL and 
> other goodies. Configure your web.xml pointing to an actionbean url
> El mar 2, 2015 4:38 PM, "Joaquin Valdez" <> escribió:
> Thanks Rick!  Off topic a bit,  but how are login credentials handled with 
> this framework when calling a rest method?
> Thanks 
> Joaquin 
> On Feb 28, 2015, at 7:13 AM, Rick Grashel <> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I also had similar issues writing REST services with Stripes.  I absolutely 
>> did not want to get rid of Stripes, so I had to write a REST ActionBean 
>> framework for Stripes which supported all of Stripes validation and binding. 
>>  If you are interested, you can download it here:
>> I can help anybody out with implementation of a REST service if they need 
>> it.  But for this library, full Stripes validation is supported.  It uses 
>> the same "convention" approach that Stripes uses, so you write get(), 
>> post(), delete(), head(), put() methods and they will be automatically 
>> called.  It also uses Stripes' own internal Javascript builder and has a new 
>> JsonResolution to create JSON-based responses.
>> Give it a look if you are interested.  I have been using it in production 
>> for quite awhile and it works well.
>> Thanks.
>> -- Rick
>> On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 7:17 AM, Janne Jalkanen <> 
>> wrote:
>> We’ve just been lazy and done
>> public Resolution foo()
>> {
>>      switch( getContext().getRequest().getMethod() )
>>      {
>>           case “post”:
>>              return doPost();
>>        case “get”
>>              return doGet()
>>        case “delete”:
>>              return doDelete();
>>           default:
>>              return new ErrorResolution( … );
>>      }
>> }
>> What’s a bit more difficult is to incorporate validation into this, but we 
>> basically have a superclass which has something like this:
>>     /**
>>      *  Normally Stripes turns validation errors into HTML, but since this 
>> is an API,
>>      *  we turn it into JSON.  Returns a JSON resolution with a single
>>      *  field "error" which then contains a number of errors.
>>      */
>>     @Override
>>     public Resolution handleValidationErrors( ValidationErrors errors )
>>     {
>>         JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
>>         obj.put( "error", constructErrorObject(errors) );
>>         return new JSONResolution( HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, obj );
>>     }
>>     /**
>>      *  Turns a ValidationErrors document into JSON.
>>      *
>>      *  @param errors
>>      *  @return
>>      */
>>     private Object constructErrorObject( ValidationErrors errors )
>>     {
>>         JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
>>         if( !errors.hasFieldErrors() )
>>         {
>>             if( errors.containsKey( ValidationErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR ) )
>>             {
>>                 obj.put( "code", ERR_VALIDATION );
>>                 obj.put( "description", errors.get( 
>> ValidationErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR ).get( 0 ).getMessage( 
>> getContext().getLocale() ) );
>>             }
>>         }
>>         else
>>         {
>>             for( List<ValidationError> list : errors.values() )
>>             {
>>                 obj.put( "code", ERR_VALIDATION );
>>                 obj.put( "description", list.get(0).getFieldName() + ": "+ 
>> list.get( 0 ).getMessage( getContext().getLocale() ) );
>>             }
>>         }
>>         obj.put("status", 400);
>>         return obj;
>>     }
>> JSONResolution is a custom class which has this in its heart:
>>     protected static ObjectMapper c_mapper = new ObjectMapper();
>>     protected static ObjectMapper c_prettyMapper = new ObjectMapper();
>>     static
>>     {
>>         c_prettyMapper.configure( SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true );
>>     }
>>     @Override
>>     public void execute( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse 
>> response ) throws Exception
>>     {
>>         response.setStatus( m_status );
>>         response.setContentType( m_contentType );
>>         response.setCharacterEncoding( "UTF-8" );
>>         if( "true".equals(request.getParameter( "pretty" )) )
>>             c_prettyMapper.writeValue( response.getOutputStream(), m_object 
>> );
>>         else
>>             c_mapper.writeValue( response.getOutputStream(), m_object );
>>         response.getOutputStream().flush();
>>     }
>> This btw lets you just get nice JSON back from any API call by adding 
>> “&pretty=true” to the request URL.  This has proven to be invaluable while 
>> debugging.
>> One important caveat is that to protect against CSRF attacks you will want 
>> to make sure that every single one of your API endpoints handles GET 
>> requests properly. Since Stripe does not really differentiate between GET 
>> and POST, you might accidentally allow people to make changes to your DB 
>> using a GET method.  We just limit the allowable methods via an annotation 
>> and an interceptor.
>> Stripe is OK for REST API development; more modern frameworks like 
>> Dropwizard do make some things a bit easier though (btw, Dropwizard+Guice 
>> has a lot of the same feel as Stripe for development - though Stripe’s 
>> templating system is still pretty darned powerful and I haven’t really found 
>> an equivalent).
>> /Janne
>>> On 28 Feb 2015, at 14:56 , Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> we've been in the same situation, and we've used the same double approach 
>>> described by Remi: facing public, CMS-heavy sites using REST-like services 
>>> provided by Stripes, whereas transactional applications are invoking CMS's 
>>> services via its REST services. 
>>> The only downside with this approach is that modern js frameworks are more 
>>> prepared to use true/full/complete/you-name-it REST services (= a post on 
>>> an URL is not the same as a GET), which is complex to achieve if using 
>>> Stripes, as you'd have to make your ActionBeans aware of the http verb 
>>> (maybe extending @URLBinding, @HandleEvent, etc. maybe with a new @Verb), 
>>> and write your ActionBeanResolver, so it can understand all the previous. 
>>> We felt we were going to modify too much Stripes internals, so we chose 
>>> instead to make calls to some URLs managed by Stripes' apps which return 
>>> some JSON. 
>>> Btw, we'd love to hear if someone has tried any other approach to serve 
>>> true REST services with Stripes.
>>> Lastly, another approach you could use is to try portofino 
>>> ( It has CMS capabilities, it's 
>>> Stripes-based, has user/roles, different kind of support service. The 
>>> downsides: it's not widely known (we came across it looking for a CRUD 
>>> generator). Note that we haven't used it on any real project yet, so we 
>>> don't really know how it behaves, you'll have to try it for yourself and 
>>> see if it fits your needs.
>>> hth,
>>> juan pablo
>>> On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 12:36 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi <> wrote:
>>> Btw, I've done something similar on a small app : we allow the site owner 
>>> to change some of the pages using MCE or something. We also allow to upload 
>>> images and reference them in those pages. 
>>> It does the job for us and for what it's cost, didn't take long to hack.
>>> But it's pretty ugly, and we quickly fell into pretty complex layout issues 
>>> and the like. The regular html tags (and the WYSIWYG over them) ain't 
>>> powerful as what you'll find in some CMSs with templating etc. 
>>> In short, the "home-brew" solution works for very simple pages in terms of 
>>> formatting, or maybe for only fragments of a page that is laid out by an 
>>> actual web designer :)
>>> Cheers
>>> Rémi 
>>> 2015-02-28 12:27 GMT+01:00 VANKEISBELCK Remi <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> Interesting question :)
>>> I guess a fundamental indicator is the complexity of the CMS vs your own 
>>> code. I mean, will the public facing website include only a small part of 
>>> customization (a few new forms here and there, a few pages...) and most of 
>>> the hits will be actually handled by the CMS ? Or is it the inverse ? Are 
>>> your Stripes pages the main focus, and expose more features than the CMS ?
>>> Rewriting a full-blown CMS ain't easy, but I guess rewriting your app isn't 
>>> either :P
>>> Apart from your 3 options, have you considered client-side, "mashup"-style 
>>> integration ? 
>>> I mean, I guess most of those CMSs provide ways to integrate 3rd party 
>>> stuff within their UI, via plugins or the like. 
>>> It depends on the architecture (authentication, cross-domain etc) but maybe 
>>> you can integrate your heterogeneous apps via "widgets" that you put in 
>>> your CMS and that access your Stripes services. 
>>> I don't know Wordpress, but I'm pretty sure it has such capability. It 
>>> certainly provides REST APIs that you can call from the browser in order to 
>>> get the data you need from the CMS. Now you only need your Stripes app to 
>>> do the same : expose REST-like services so that you can mix "cross-apps" 
>>> widgets in the same page(s). Like display a GUI that is backed by a Stripes 
>>> app inside a Wordpress page.
>>> Quick googling, and, as expected, it's plugin-based at its core :
>>> Ok, it's php, but it can definitely invoke your Stripes stuff, either 
>>> directly from your Wordpress instance in php (server-to-server), or via 
>>> Cross-Domain JS (browser-to-server). The second option involves only very 
>>> little php : your plugin only has to include the JS you need from the 
>>> Stripes app, and let it do the magic...
>>> You can also mix the two websites in some circumstances. Say you now have a 
>>> "Shop" link in the CMS nav bar : this link can point to a Stripes app, 
>>> provided you manage authentication. 
>>> Tell us how it goes !
>>> Cheers
>>> Rémi
>>> 2015-02-28 11:08 GMT+01:00 Paul Carter-Brown 
>>> <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> We have been using Stripes for the last 5 years and love the framework. The 
>>> sites we have used it on are all transactional (think CRM) with back-end 
>>> integration to other systems for customer profile management, account 
>>> management etc. 
>>> We also have a fairly static public facing web site using wordpress CMS 
>>> that was created by our marketing agency. We now have a need to add a lot 
>>> more transactional functionality to the public facing site for customers to 
>>> buy goods and services, manage their accounts etc and the marketing team 
>>> want to keep their ability to manage and change content on the site as they 
>>> see fit without code/JSP changes. We now have to make a call on these 
>>> possible options:
>>> 1) Try and use PHP/Wordpress to do what we are so good at doing in Stripes. 
>>> We are a Java shop and have lots of boiler plate code and framework around 
>>> Stripes so thinking of now doing this all over again in PHP is scary
>>> 2) Use a completely new Java web framework with a CMS and then find a way 
>>> of adding our back end integration etc into that web framework. Thinking 
>>> here of things like Drupal, HippoCMS, dotCMS etc
>>> 3) Find a CMS with a tag library or similar that can be used on Stripes 
>>> JSP's to pull in content served from the CMS to supplement whats being 
>>> resented by the JSP. We then get to use Stripes and have all the 
>>> integration done already (e.g. binding into domain models). We also get the 
>>> benefit of giving marketing areas of the site where they are free to change 
>>> images, text etc etc in a CMS with approval processes and ability to 
>>> publish changes without any need for redeploys etc
>>> I really really want to find a good CMS for option (3). I'm sure my 
>>> requirement is not unique (power of Stripes for transactional web sites but 
>>> with a CMS for marketing to update parts of the site they control). Anyone 
>>> out there with any suggestions?
>>> Thanks so much
>>> This email is subject to the disclaimer of Smile Communications at 
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>> things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs to
>> news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the 
>> conversation now.
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