Hello Stripes Users,

I recently inherited some work to migrate a java web application from a
physical CentOS server to an Ubuntu VPS, the application is running on the
Stripes framework, hibernate, tomcat 6, java 6 and mysql server 5.2. The
application is tomcat-centric meaning the whole ROOT folder in webapps
contains pages for that specific app.

So my attempt to reconstruct the app on tomcat 7, java 7 and mysql 5.5 has

What steps we took:
1. I rebuilt everything on eclipse IDE and got everything working without
2. I pointed the persistence.xml to the correct database
3. I know it works properly because when running it, I enter incorrect
login data and it tells you of the invalid details

Where I get stuck.
4. Upon entering the correct data, it shows there is a security error that
says the user is unauthorised.

Please help,

Thanks in advance
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