I have an app that displays items in a select list that supports

<stripes:select name="items" multiple="true">
<stripes:options-collection collection="${actionBean.items}" />

The user can add new items (strings) to the list (via javascript) before
submitting and I'm trying to validate the added items.  Note that I have
javascript code that sets all the items to selected in the list before

Currently, I'm able to display a validation error and highlight the whole
list by doing this in my action bean...

errors.add( "items", new SimpleError("list contains invalid item(s)") );

But I can't figure out the syntax to highlight specific items in the list.
I'm looping over the items in the list during validation and I thought this
might work, but it doesn't...

errors.add( "items[" + i + "]'", new SimpleError(i + " is not valid") );

Does anyone know the syntax to make this work?
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