I submitted patches for this issue (Bug#: 1356).

xt if you do not want to access http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/ to lookup
the bug.)

In Craig and my exchange of emails on this mailing list, I'm not certain
whether I was able to successfully demonstrate to him that the issue is
worth addressing in Struts at this time, so I'd be interested in hearing
from anyone else about their opinion on this matter.

-- Stoehr

-----Original Message-----
From: Sukachevin, Stoehr 
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 02:42 PM
Subject: RE: Use of RequestUtils.absoluteURL() in LinkTag [and
RedirectTag ]

I agree that we do not want these tags to operate differently.

However, because the web container will accept relative URLs for redirection
(at least the Servlet API javadocs says so via the response.sendRedirect()
method), can we not have the tags operate the same but now with relative
links instead of absolute links?

-- Stoehr

P.S.  Note that I know this does not help my particular situation 100% when
using an SSL accelerator because the redirection will be converted
incorrectly by the web container if we give a relative URL to
response.sendRedirect().  But as long as I use my own calculated, absolute
URLs for response.sendRedirect(), I'm good to go.

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 02:35 PM
Subject: RE: Use of RequestUtils.absoluteURL() in LinkTag [and
RedirectTag ]

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Sukachevin, Stoehr wrote:

> Craig,
> One last thing, when you said:
> >because the address has to be relative to wherever the
> >browser submitted the form, not to the page itself
> using an "absolute-path" type of relative URI should be equivalent to an
> absolute URL in solving this problem.

It may solve the problem for the link tag, but not the redirect tag.  As I
mentioned before, the servlet spec requires absolute URLs be sent back to
the browser on redirects, and the container will do that even if the
application does not.

Do we really want these tags to operate differently?

> -- Stoehr


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