
I'm not sure if this was mentioned here, but we found an interesting link to
an extension to Struts to replace the JSP's with XSLT.


David Brilleman
Industri-Matematik International

-----Original Message-----
From: Heligon Sandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: Struts with XML/XSLT
Importance: High


        I have a simple struts application with:

        - two JSP pages (index.jsp, registration.jsp)
        - two JavaBean classes, each of this class
        has a method GetXML_Description() 
        It runs well, but the interface is very simple.

        at the moment I use the tag logic:iterate in the JSP page to display
        the bean's content the first bean includes a list of a second type
        beans). I don't know how offer a GUI with a tree-view.
        I think that it is perhaps more easy to do this with an XML/XSLT
        I don't really understand how replace my JSP by an XML/XSLT view.
        Do I have to use XSLT constructors (such as <xsl:if> <xsl:choose>)
        or struts HTML, logic and bean tags ?
        I have to demonstrate very rapidly to my boss that it is possible,
        thanks a lot to give me a complete example with Servlet/JSP/struts
        transform to Servlet/XML/XSLT/struts application.


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